Help! What is the best thing to do to get over... - Couch to 5K

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Help! What is the best thing to do to get over knee pain at the front and sides? I've got as far as w3r1- really don't want to give up?

fletchexists profile image
7 Replies

Having not done much exercise for years and started c25k, i have found that i love it and have the running bug!! The nhs website says dont run if your knees hurt and wait a week before seeing your GP...Any advice really welcome...when i am recovered should i just continue on with w3r2???

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fletchexists profile image
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7 Replies
Jusforfun profile image

I had this! I didn't take notice of it and ended up with lots more pain, until your knees get used to the new strain they're getting use light knee supports, and make sure you have adequate foot support, maybe gait analysis but even supportive socks and trainers fastened tight enough (but not so tight they're not comfy). Pain = damage but your body is learning something new, you'll be amazed how quickly your knees and ankles strengthen up a bit, rest until recovered, then protect those precious knees!

fjdimarco1 profile image

Pop into Boots or any other Pharmacy and buy some insteps, start wearing them in your shoes every day to work and stuff, as well as putting them in your trainers when you run, this will keep your feet centred and balanced, and thus keep your knees straight. Right now, having not had any strain on them in a while your knees aren't coping with the pressure that you're putting on the arch of your foot when you run. If this doesn't cure the pain it should help it significantly.

louisew99 profile image

I have knee pain, saw the doctor, not terribly helpful, after seven weeks off running waiting for things to improve in desperation I paid to see a physio. It only took one visit and now I know exactly what causes my knee pain, a significant muscle imbalance pulling my knee cap out of alignment. He gave me strengthening exercises to address the problem, a week later I was back on track and touch wood it's improving! Good luck with getting it sorted!

caro8642 profile image

I had knee trouble hit at week 9, which layed me off running for a couple of months, as walking was difficult enough. Rest, ice and just taking it easy for a while was the best way for me, plus a bit of physio. Is now ok and back on the programme. Where you return to, will depend on how long you are off for. My physio recommended taking it easy and not increasing the running by more that 10% a week (which is mostly within the programme in any case). He said small niggles were ok to run through, but any more and to stop and ice again and rest. When you feel up to running again, just see how you are. You may feel that walking a bit more in the initial stages, but I am sure you will not be back at week 1 (I came back in at week 5 after walking a lot for a couple of weeks) Listen to your body and make sure you rest it well before heading out on it again. Good luck!

AnnieF profile image

I've had knee problems and I'd agree with all the above - see a physio to get a diagnosis, perhaps get some gait analysis done, think about some new shoes (running shops will often do a gait analysis and you don't have to buy the most expensive shoes in the shop thereafter!). I found changing my running style and new shoes were revolutionary in their effect. I also have a light knee support which I like using, it seems to warm and support my knee.

I also found I was going too fast outside. I like going fast but slowing down definitely seems to help my knee. You didn't comment on your weight but if you are overweight then it doesn't help knees at all. Running loses weight effortlessly for most and that helps your knees too.

Don't stop, if you are enjoying it then try to find out what the problem is and see if you can overcome it. Good luck!

Legion profile image

I started c25k in July 2012 and wore knee supports all the time, as my knees were so unhappy. Running slowly and on softer ground helps. However, my knees gave out on me a couple of weeks after graduation (went for a long hilly walk, too much for them) and I didn't run much for the next year. I started c25k again last autumn but without knee supports this time. The result has been that my knees have got stronger - the muscles have learned to support the knee now instead of letting knee supports do it. Due to the floods, all my running has been on hard surfaces recently, and this week I went from 5K to suddenly running 8K for the first time. That made my knees grumble a little (they had been fine the last few months) but I suspect I did too much too soon.

I think if you build up gradually you will find that running is beneficial. If you have weight to lose (I've lost 2 stone since I first started, still got more to lose) then reducing that will help take the strain off your knees too. Don't go too fast (a slow jog is perfect), run on soft ground when possible, wear supportive shoes, etc and see how you go. If your knees are really painful then rest them (you can have extra rest days between runs whenever you like) and support them until they are better. You have got to week 3 already, so you are doing brilliantly. However, you can always go back a bit if your knees grumble or repeat weeks. It takes the body a while to get used to new exercise, but it will adjust. Do what feels comfortable and don't move onto longer runs until you feel ready. It will be worth it. Good luck. :-)

fletchexists profile image

Thank you all soooo much for your various advice. After a week off it was still hurting, so got the GP to check me out today- result is medial collateral ligament tear - doh!! Ordered off running for a few weeks and was told it should sort itself out. Amusingly chipper doctor told me it was very common for slightly overweight middle aged men who start running to get this...thats me told then!

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