another good run or should i say plod this morning found a pace im happy with. Will pick speed up as i progress just working on running for 30 minutes at moment love the early morning plod along
wk 6 run 1: another good run or should i say... - Couch to 5K
wk 6 run 1

Well done I am going out in about hour to do same run and a bit apprehensive Really surprised how much I enjoyed last run wk 5 so thought wk6 r1 would be ok but lots of comments from people who went on to struggle with returning to walking breaks I suppose we are all different and if I could just stop thinking about it and relax it will hopefully be ok Never thought I would be up this early on a sat morning thinking about running

Well done you!!! Wont be long now till you can put a shiny badge next to your name =D x

I've just got in from my early morning plod too, that is a perfect word, wish nike+ would use that on their dashboard. Well done for getting through your w6p1

Just back from same run and I Loved it ! Beautiful morning although had to scrape ice off car window to get to park Even found myself wanting to go faster but listened to Laura Sort of want to go faster but really scared then can't finish run so maybe just keep plodding along just now Good luck with your next run

Plodding is just the right word. But one plod is better than no plod. I struggle at the beginning to get into a pace but then I plod and I can keep going and going. Well done. We can do this!