Wouldn't it be great?!
I've watched it every year thinking I could never do that but this year there is a little hope....thanks to C25K! And reading Malcy's post is so inspiring!
Anyone thinking about it?
Wouldn't it be great?!
I've watched it every year thinking I could never do that but this year there is a little hope....thanks to C25K! And reading Malcy's post is so inspiring!
Anyone thinking about it?
I'm thinking about the Sheffield Half-marathon next year. It's in April/May so GNR might be on for September. Did I really just say that? Ye gods, Laura has a lot to answer for!
I've already pre registered for notification when the ballot opens, but am also thinking of trying the Sheffield HM first x
I am thinking about the tri together triathlon in London next year. its been my goal for years and now I think I just might be able thanks to c25k.
Would be great especially after watching it this morning but maybe the Great South Run for me....a Londoner!
Go for it! Would certainly give you the motivation to keep going. Well done for today. Linda
I hope you get a place jefna, it's a real thing up here isn't it? You've got to at least once. I was gutted because I had to give up my place this year but never say never, if my injury settles down I may just be tempted again...
I signed up for the reminder too! I live in South Shields, have done all my life - a Sandancer, that's what we're called! So, watching the run this year and thinking for the first time, this is something I could do now! (After training!)I'm going for it, I'm excited and happy for GNR 2014!
Yay good for you! That's how I feel too! Have you signed up for the reminder service?
Yes, the reminder service. Can't believe it, but I am going to do it - the way my body has responded to C25K I'm sure in a year ill be able to run 13 miles! You have to be positive!
And I've signed up for the 10k run too! I'm gonna do them both!! (Am I getting carried away?! Don't care if I am, it's exciting!)
I've also signed up for a registration reminder for the GNR 2014 - lived in Newcastle a few years now and always watched the race, never thought it'd be something I could do but figured I have a whole year to prepare, maybe I should try! Found the C25k programme this morning and looking forward to getting started! Good luck to everyone else who's thinking of signing up for their first time too!
Good luck with the program! You'll do it! Let us know how you get on!
Hey everyone - listen. February 2012 I was a 90kg blob. I described myself as the boring, fat old bloke who started pretending he could run. I did the programme by May, but fell back a bit over the summer. 5k was still my max until I tried upping the distance in the spring of this year. By then I was down to 67/68kg, off my blood pressure medication and al that blah blah blah.
And there I was yesterday, crossing the finishing line. Not spectacularly fast, but I finished - and wasn't even out of breath. Lolb has a similar story. Like lolb (and, I have to say, many others at the finish) I ached for a few hours afterwards. But we both finished around our target times.
YOU CAN DO THIS. Yesterday morning I doubted myself. But I proved to myself that it IS possible. Over my time on the forum, I've recounted something that my son's ex partner told me. She did her degree in sports science and when I was starting to stretch my distances, she said that if you can run 6k (not 5 or 10 - six) you can run any distance. You just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. As long as there are still energy reserves to convert, you can keep going!
My training, such as it was, was mostly my local 6.5 (or so) loop over Cults Hill, a weekly 5k Parkrun, and some "Parkrun extra" sessions where I did an extra 5k after the main event. I think I did 15k one Saturday morning, but didn't manage to keep that up in the following weeks. SO ... if my experience is anything to go by, any C25K graduate who keeps up the regime can do a half marathon! (Then again, I am the God of Hell Fire, and that might have helped)
Ah Malcy thanks for this!
You are such an inspiration and you must be feeling on top of the world right now!
I am going to take on board everything you've said and not bottle out of it when the ballot opens...promise!
Well done again for yesterday!
I've got my place - eek!