After a series of mishaps - some self inflicted (BAD hangover), some over ambitious (trying to do Stamina and aching for days afterwards), some careless (falling out of the front and back door and spraining both ankles) and some unexpected (sprained calf half way through last run) - I've fallen out of my normal running pattern the last few weeks or had to take extra time off due to injuries, which has left me feeling fed up, grumpy and without my running 'buzz'. Instead of trying to push myself to do 5K or the couch to 5K+ podcasts I have decided to just go back to doing 30 minutes at my own pace to just get back into the swing of things for the next few weeks. Just come home from my run and it feels so good to have that buzz back
Welcome back endorphins :): After a series of... - Couch to 5K
Welcome back endorphins :)

great - back to basics. What is fabulous is we have something to fall back on- as our baseline run. And despite your mishaps you have looked forward and got a strategy for getting back to where you were. I love the running buzz - it literally makes it all worth while.
So you tried stamina - I have not been brave enough- one day though.
Happy running
After graduation I was worried I'd lose my motivation if I had no goal to work towards but all I've succeeded in doing is getting in a flap about trying to make improvements and perhaps 5K+ was too much too soon for me. Feel so much happier for just getting out and doing 30 minutes at my own pace tonight. I tried Stamina..once! Haven't been brave enough to try it again. I tried the Stepping Stones and Speed and found those both fine, but I really struggled with the Stamina. I completed it through sheer bloody-mindedness, but my feet were literally scraping the ground at the end and I needed several days after that to recover so I don't think it's for me yet. Glad you love that running buzz too - something I could never understand before Couch to 5K but something I don't like being without now
Perhaps this is what I need to do - I have completely got out of the habit of my 'run every other day without fail' during the summer hols. Need to just get back into the habit ... although maybe not tonight as it is raining quite hard ...
Glad the endorphins are back!!
Same here - for me it's a combination of having no routine in the summer holidays when the boys are off and also I graduated just when they finished school and I had a feeling I'd lose my way a bit, so the two things combined have been a bit of disaster. I've tried to increase my distance and do the 5K+ podcasts but I think I'm going to just enjoy running for a few weeks without trying to make improvements. Hope the rains clears soon so you can get out too.

I concur with all that's been said. I try so hard NOT to compete with myself to try and go faster, quicker, longer etc, when really all I am happy with, is running for half an hour at a pace that doesn't kill me! And I always do 5K so - I guess that's what it's all about?
(Still wanna beat my PB for 5K though...Grrrrr......ONE DAY!)

Hey SQ.
Running for 30 minutes is good if you are enjoying it and you can always try for a longer or quicker run another time.
I ran week 9 again after graduating and think it helped consolidate the gains made during the 9 week program.
Stamina might be something you can build up to anyway, perhaps by skipping the last 5 minutes initially.
Good luck and enjoy the buzz.

Glad you're feeling better SQ and enjoyed your run/freedom/stressrelief/endorphins!

Ahhh SQ you are being so sensible, running should always be for fun, we are not going to be Olympic runners, we do it for better health and because (I hope) we enjoy it, so why push so hard that we injure ourselves and have to take weeks off, not the way to go. Keep on doing what you are doing and more importantly enjoy it. Nothing stopping you trying for a new PB once in a while of course but don't get hung up on it. Enjoy
Thank you OG, I class you as the 'Wise Sage' of this site so it's great to have your approval. I'm going to just enjoy running for a while and not beat myself up about trying to strive for something else. I'm really looking forward to going out tomorrow with the knowledge that I'm just going to enjoy it for what it is.