I generally jog with my baby but i dont think the pushchair would affect this.
Can anyone help, i cannpt seem to get beyond w... - Couch to 5K
Can anyone help, i cannpt seem to get beyond wk5, i have been stuck there for 4wks, i cant seem to breath &need to walk for 1min after 6mins

Oh dear, so very sorry to hear that progress seems to have deserted you at the moment. Whilst pushing a baby wouldn't ordinarily be a problem, I guess its also likely that there will be only so far one can go WITH baby along with you?! I know that as folk get more confident with their runs their legs move faster, feet lift slightly higher off the ground, strides becomes longer, and arms swing more to provide momentum. It occurs to me that these usual signs of progress just may not be happening all the while you have baby and pushchair with you? Maybe you could find a chance to run alone ie without baby - you may be pleasantly surprised at the progress you have really made, and suddenly the requirements of W5 will be do-able.
Lots of people too seem to become so hung-up on completing the runs that they stress themselves into a form of failure ... they hunch their shoulders, try to go too fast, tend not to find a comfortable level/control of breathing - all-in-all making heavy weather of the one thing they want to achieve!
I am absolutely confident that you will get through this, so be careful not to become too downhearted by a few less than perfect outings ... a cycle of negativity is the last thing you need!
Take your day's rest, then see if you can find a babysitter for 30 minutes. I reckon you'll manage your next run (remembering it's not a race: slow and steady wins the day), and renew your own confidence and faith in the programme.
Lots of good wishes for your next attempts and the quashing of your W5 gremlins for once and for all. Take care, Linda

There are people who do long runs with pushchairs - but I suspect not any old pushchair/buggy. There is some possibility you are leaning forward more than you otherwise would which could be affecting your breathing.
However, I'd agree with you that at this stage it is more likely to be something else. And the usual something else is going too fast. It only needs to be a running motion. If you feel yourself struggling, you can run slower, you can take smaller steps and even run on the spot. I've found it works best for me not to allow myself to walk for a bit and then start running again - if I have to walk, that's it, I walk the rest of the session, and then I have something to aim beyond next time... so even if I still don't manage it all next time I am likely to see progress. I've felt much less dissatisfied with runs like this than when I've walked a bit and then run again.
I'd be cautious about getting into a situation where you think you can only run/exercise if you have childcare - you are talking 40 minutes for a C25K session with warm up/down 3 times a week and it has to suit your running times and the needs of your baby. I am pretty sure there have been people here who have completed C25K with pushchairs, perhaps someone will pop up with some tips.
I would try slowing down, it worked for me,
Thank you, it is my day off so we are about to go got a jog, I will think of my posture when running. Pushchair has bigger wheels and you are right as I have to fit it in around work my babys needs come first so we try to go it together, it might not happen otherwise. I definitely think its taking me longer to find my stride! I can't always fit in three times a week which may be hampering things. Thank you all for your advice, lots to think about.

Hi! I noticed you said you were stopping at the same time, 6 minutes in. It may be worth changing the route you use so you are at a different place at that time, as the little monkey/devil that controls us sometimes will be confused then & you can beat him! This worked for me back on week 7, which was my worst week!

I would give yourself a bit of credit for running as you are- you are pushing something as well as running - the pushchair must create friction on the road - and you are probably leaning forward more and your arms are out in front and not able to move backwards and forwards to help your momentum and I think that would also mean your chest is restricted as well- I'd say you are doing a tougher than average week 5!
This is how your life is so you need to make the plan fit around you and how you will be able to run after you graduate- if that means you do 6 minute intervals with a minute walk while pushing the buggy for 5k then that's great exercise in it's own right.
Try not to get frustated and definately try and get a sitter for one run a week so you get a bit of me time in your busy life

Can't imagine running with either of my kids in their pushchairs, so all credit to you. Don't get hung up on the plan, if you can run for 6 minutes it's pretty good, what you could do is add another 6 minutes on to the end (if you have time) which will give you extra stamina next time around.

Well done for getting to 6 minutes before you hit a barrier - mine was 3 minutes!! I finally got past it, when I ran (just once) with someone else. I thought that I had been running slowly, but found that I had to really slow down to run with this other person, and after that, it was all so much easier. The other thing that I find helps when I start to struggle is to find somewhere new to run, whenever, I had a particular landmark to make (20 mins/ 28 mins/ 30 mins), I always chose a new, straightish route, and that always seemed to work (even though I had to drive to the routes!!). However, all that said, take note of what everyone else has said, that what you've achieved so far is great.

Well done you 6 minutes running with a baby must be hard, also you have to take into account that its not that long since you had the baby another good reason to be kind to yourself. I agree, try slowing down, its not a race, unless of course baby has decided it should be!! Also try a different route too. Wishing you all the best but don't stop running, if you can't get onto the following week for a while its no good reason to give up. I can tell you too that the young mums and dads who take their little ones to our Parkrun absolutely love their outings, your little one willl too one day I'm sure.

Lots of good replies on here, you have done really well, do not dismiss your achievements week 5 is the hardest week in just about every graduates opinion.
The best advice I can give you is to take it slowly, don't stress at what you can't do, look at what you can do, you can do 6 minutes of continuous running so take a walk then do another 6 minutes.
My first lot of 6 minutes was sooo slow people were walking past me (even I could walk faster), I still am not a fast runner and have days where I could have walked it faster, what we have though in buckets is support from the forum, knowing that the people on here genuinely care about you and want you to succeed is a great big carrot dangling there for you.
I knew when I had the 20 minutes coming up that I couldn't use the route I had been running (out of sight of people) and a regular change of place is definitely good for the soul, good luck and all the best for your next time out
Thank you everyone for your your messages, we ran today and I tried to be more aware of my posture which I think will help in coming weeks. I think im a little too fast and can cover quite a lot of ground so will try to slow it down, I always add an extra run to the end so hopefully this this will eventually help. I will keep going, we (me and baby) did the 5k race for life but we are aiming to run the 10k next year so we have 11months to get it right! Thanks for all your helpful comments.

I think you are may be not getting past the horrid bit at the start of longer runs and if you could just keep going a bit longer would hit the point where you start to feel more relaxed. It is hard sometimes when you have stopped as you have to do the rotten bit again when you restart. Definitely agree try a change of route, but have to say I really admire you for running with a pushchair- have enough trouble just thinking about myself. Good Luck and keep going.