10 days ago I decided to change from a couch potato to a runner ...
What motivated me was quit simple... I love walking, but every time I try to speed up just a little bit I go out of breath so quickly!!! It makes me feel am twice or even three times my age, which isn't a pleasant feeling at all!!! So I decided to start my road to become a runner .
As usual, I had to google it to have a plan and feedback from people as unused to exercise as me (am not proud of it but I always hated exercising :s ...). Lucky me, I found a simple and good plan to start running for complete beginners like me. At first, I told my self I ll give it a try but for sure it wont work . The thing is, it is only the second week but I already feel the benefit.
The first week was the hardest one. I was supposed to run 8 times during 60 seconds and between each one I could walk for 90sc to have some rest. It sounds easy, but it wasn't! Each running interval seemed as the longest 60sc of my life, and each walking seemed as the shortest 90sc of my life . But, nevertheless, I just couldn't quit so early, and I did it three times that first week ... The good part is after each exercise I felt so proud of my self and that what motivated me to keep it up ....
What made me write this post, is the improvement I felt today. It is my first run of the second week. This time I had to run 6 times during 90 seconds and between each one I had to keep walking for 2 minutes to have some rest. As I found it already hard to run for 60sc: the first 4 runs were bearable but finishing the whole exercise was so hard to me!! I told my self running for 90sc would be just impossible. Surprise!!! It was quit easy!!! Even easier than first week and much less pain and tiredness after it!!
Feeling this improvement made me wanna share the training am following to become a 5km runner in just 9 weeks. At the end of this post you'll find a link with a plan, feedback from people following it just like me, and audio podcast that are just amazing. I highly recommend using those podcast cause they really help during the exercise with some music, time indication, motivation speech and also running tips.
I'll keep up the updates as much as I can. If you are a couch potato just like me, I hope you'll try to get out and start this training, it is just amazing.
Last but not least, try to pick a nice place for running it really helps