Hello everyone
So my lad Leon and I decided to do another 10k on Monday ( me after work, him after school and childminder)....so here are the best bits ( has to be a list!)
The wind was blowing and it felt so free and wild
My body felt fit and strong...wow, never had that, and tummy didn't wobble ( thanks to the diet)
Leon just kept going and pushing himself and turning round grinning at me
I had that feeling when you can just keep on running
Another runner actually SMILED at us, never had that before either, they usually give me a wierd look as I am innanely grinning at them
I beat my PB and did it in 1 hour 7 mins....Leon ( who is 11) did it in 1 hour
I have to say....its thanks to Malcy, he has really inspired me as to what we are capable of...thankyou