I've had sore skin on my face, either side of my mouth, for a couple of weeks now and I'd been assuming it was just due to being outside so much more than usual - cycling and running in all weathers on the 5x50 challenge. About a week or so ago I noticed my mouth felt sore and a bit swollen too, with a burning sensation, so today I went to see the doctor.
It seems it is perioral dermatitis and can be caused by various things - exposure to strong wind and UV light included, but also cosmetics, creams and cleansers, sunscreen, sulfates in hair products, fluoride in toothpaste, and hormones !
So I can't even use sun screen/barrier cream to protect my skin from the weather ! I think I need to wear a balaclava all summer (or even all year round) - this might get me into trouble when out running !!
I've got an antibiotic solution to use so hope it will clear up soon - I was getting ideas about training for a half-marathon in early July so hoping to be outside a lot