Sodding typical. The whole past nearly three months I've been working towards this and now I get a flipping cold. The race is on Sunday, so I'm off to bed very shortly with some pills and aiming to sleep it off. I went out for my last training run this morning, for the first time finally managing to get out before school run or work in the week, at just before 7am, and it was hard work. I was quite slow, then my legs got heavy which they haven't been before even when I've been slow (most of the time...).
Any advice from you more experienced people? Would it be a good idea to take tablets the day of the race or not, and if so is paracetamol or nurofen better?
Sounds like other people are storming to the 5x50 finish line. I did a 9k bike ride the other night when I had been dog tired earlier, and was so glad Id made it out as it was a beautiful evening. Thank you 5x50 for getting me out there once more. Hope everyone's final weekends (or not TJ and others!) go well.