I've decided to download the "My Fitness Pal" app on my IPhone, and when I enter my exercises they ask how many calories I burnt, so was just wondering if anyone knows on average? If anyone can answer for all nine weeks that would be really helpful
How many calories do you burn during week one? - Couch to 5K
How many calories do you burn during week one?

I seem to go about 85 calories a kilometre and speed doesn't make that much difference.
So difficult to say for you it depends on how far you go!

Hi GirlInTheMirror I use the free download Endomondo on my smartphone and it tells me where I've been, how far, how long, how fast and importantly how many calories I have burned. Then I use Myfitnesspal on my laptop to keep a check on my food intake and calorie check. Good luck with program. Pat

I usually figure about 100 calories a mile. Like Greg wrote, speed doesn't seem to make a difference. Endomondo works well as Pat wrote. Gayle

On my fitness pal you could put in how many mins you ran for (6 I think) and at what pace you did it which you can make a rough guess and then put in you walked for 24 mins (if that's right) and it will work out how many cals you've burnt based on your weight/height....
if you download endomondo then you can link the information that it records for your exercise to My FitnessPal so your figures are automatically updated!
I can vouch for endomondo as well. I use it everyday.