I have copd and take trimbow. Today my xray result found a shadow on my right lung. Can anyone else reasure me that its not anything to serious. Thankyou i am worried sick
I have copd and i take trimbow. Today my xray... - COPD Friends
I have copd and i take trimbow. Today my xray showed i have a shadow on my lung. Has anyone else have the same

Hi MaureenI can imagine that your worried sick. You need to speak to your doctor and ask them to explain what it is, and what happens next. Did no one explain when you had your xray? Make an appointment with your Dr ASAP. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Take care 🤞 Jane
You need to speak to your GP/Specialist ASAP, only someone qualified can reassure you. Keeping fingers crossed for you.
2 years ago I was diagnosed with lung modules that look like ground glass. I have had 3 c.t scans to see if they have grown. Fortunately there had been no change and good they were stable and nothing to worry about. It was a worry for 2 years but 👎w such a relief that they are not anything to worry about. So don't worry until you have definite results
Well MaureenAC, I understand your feeling , having been through a similar event a long time ago. the replies like mine show we do survive lung shadows , some can be due to past pnuemonias ect. What I would say is you need to see your Gp for further investigations to be sure it is not anything sinister, rather than being left in limbo worrying about it. Sometimes shadows do go away or remain stable for a long time. Every best wish , its normal to be worried you need more info from your GP. Do take care and let us know how it goes please.

Shadows, ground glass opacity, even small nodules tend to come and go. They track mine annually to see if there are any worrisome changes. Sadly, this is common with COPD. This should have been explained to you so you wouldn't worry more than expected.
Remember, this is just my experience....so DO have your provider explain Y OUR situation to you. Keep us posted.
You Need To Speak To Your Dr As Soon As Possible So You Can Ask What’s Going On . (I Had A Nodule On My Lung It Was Monitored For A Year And Appears Tô Be Gone .) You Must Feel So Worried At The Moment We Are All Here For U Take Care Keep Safe 🖤🖤
helo mareen, the ct scan found a nodule on m very damaged lung that was 2 years ago doc said it hadnt grown but would keap an eye on it, i thoought cancer im going to die, most people do, but he said its very very common in later life to get nodules. i hope your mind is soon put to restbriany