I had my yearly test to see how my emphysema is doing. My last exam was in May of 2018. I was pleasantly surprised. The progress of my "Big E" has been stopped in its tracks. My FEV1 has even gone UP 1 POINT! I attribute this to my use of a Russian breathing device and using supplements that no doctor will even mention. (No, not that African stuff you see advertised.) My stuff can be ordered on Amazon but I'll not mention it because I don't think it's permitted.
GOOD NEWS RE MY EMPHYSEMA: I had my yearly test... - COPD Friends

Brilliant have a good day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
Hi Morehope
Yes it is permitted, I have seen many other items posted that help others who
have COPD. I get many items from Amazon and other members in here have
said what device has helped them with their breathing.
So I do not think that it would not be allowed for you to say what you have
been using that gave you benefits to feel better.
Happy that you got good news from your last exam
OK, here's my story: I'm 81. Was diagnosed some years back with emphysema. Doctors prescribed a nebulized something or other to be taken 2X per day. That's exactly what it did, gave me a short time of breathing better 2X per day but doing nothing to address the main problem. I decided to look beyond western medicine. I first looked toward Russia which, to me at least, seemed NOT to have their head up their asses re COPD. Here is a direct quote from a Russian web site re the western approach to COPD:
"Official Western medical sources offer an amazingly nonsensical perspective on breathing exercises for COPD patients and cannot even explain what is wrong with breathing in people with asthma, bronchitis and emphysema."
I first noticed that Russia had a breathing discipline called Buteyko Breathing which seemed to have success. It was based on the principle of, by changing breathing patterns, you could alter the blood gas ratio of CO2 to O and this modified breathing gas ratio had a beneficial effect on COPD. (Both kinds) But the problem with this was, and is, that it had to be taught by an instructor, was too demanding of time in both the learning and using and finally, was not cheap. Then the Frolov Breathing Device came on the scene. It could be mastered in a day or two and allowed you all the breathing benefits of Buteyko Breathing. Here is a web addresse concerning the device:
I also take supplements. One is called by its initials, MSM. MSM stands for MethylSulfonylMethane. It is pronounced Methyl Sulfonyl Methane. Here is a web page that tells you all about it.
This supplement is used for many things. When you get there look at the menu on the left and look at "Lung Dysfunction" and you will learn a lot. (I know I did)
I also take another supplement called Serrapeptase. Here is another web page that will explain why I use it, naturalnews.com/026360_serr...
My daily regimen consists of:
Frolov Breathing device workout every night before bedtime for 20 minutes.
4.5 grams of MSM in 3 divided doses per day.
1 gram of vitamin C. (MSM Works far better when used with vitamin C)
120,000 units of Serrapeptase. (sounds like a lot but fits into one capsule)
My pulmonologist knows nothing of this. I don't tell him anything.
My general condition: I have a FEV1 which means I have 25% lung function to which I say so what? As I go through my day I am totally UNAWARE of my condition. I walk as far as I want. and otherwise function very well. I certainly can't shovel snow or climb steep hills but I CAN climb steps, albeit not at great speeds. There's no cure. I realize that. But if I can hold the line at this point I HEREBY CLAIM VICTORY! The progression of my emphysema was stopped in May of 2018.
This past week when I was examined by my pulmonologist when he listened to my lungs he heard nothing wrong. He sat there looking at me a little puzzled. He said that people with my readings usually look and act a lot different.
PS: That thing they put on your finger to measure how well your blood is oxygenated was 98.
I see where my first URL I supplied in the post above didn't work. This might:
TRY THIS: IT WILL WORK! intellectbreathing.com
Thank you for sharing your secret, I hope it will work for me as well. I have everything on order and I can't wait to try it. In your posts you seem like quite a character, someone I would love to have as a good friend or neighbor. I have a feeling you live in the UK and I in the US but maybe we can correspond, your posts bring a smile to my face. Keep on keeping on, your are an inspiration!
Hi morehope. That's great news indeed. Thanks for sharing this, as I'm sure it'll be encouraging to many. I pray you continue on this track. God bless you. Terri
Good morning morehope. Please share what you are using from Amazon and what the Russian breathing device is that you are using and where I can get it. I have walked around for the last twenty years feeling like I'm sufficating, seroiusly! I have some good days but mostly bad and all the Dr.'s do is give me more inhalers that are expensive and really do not do anything for me. Thank you for sharing and keep doing well.
If you read thru her previous posts about 7 months ago morehope posted the name of the device.
"Does anyone have any first hand experience with a Russian breathing device called the Frolov Breathing Device? It's supposed to aid breathin...
I am glad you are doing well. I have had 3 lobes removed due to LC, I also have emphysema and I retain CO2. I would like some more information please.
This is really ridiculous that you are aware of something that might help many of us but you can't mention it. Isn't that what these forums are supposed to be for? To exchange information and find help? In any event, I am very happy for you! Guess I need to trust the Lord that if I am to know what these things are that are working for you He will bring awareness to me.
Could you let us know what you are using for those interested? If you are trying to sell a product or promote something where you stand to profit that is not allowed but sharing your own experiences is and of course anyone interested in trying what you are using should check with their doctor first to be sure it is suitable for them.
I am not selling anything and I resent the implication. This will be my last post to this group. I can do very well without you.
Please don't be offended. The world is full of money Grabbers and we really don't know you.
OK. Perhaps I was too quick to take to take offense. It comes from so many (here in U.S.) telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm going to share something else with you Brit guys. It has nothing to do with COPD. (The moderators might even take it down.) I suspect that many of you, LIKE ME, are old. That being the case, like me, many of you suffer from the curse of chronic constipation. I'm going to share with you how, also WITHOUT the help of the medicare community, I did something about it. Everybody knows that prune juice helps some, but not all, with constipation. I was a "not all." The truth is it's only a matter of degree.
The ingredient in prune juice that acts on constipation is a sugar called SORBITAL. Sorbitol IS the (non stimulant) laxative in prune juice. The average 8 oz (US) cup of prune juice contains 10.5 grams of sorbitol. So, says I to myself "Why don't I just buy sorbitol and spike the prune juice?" So, after congratulating myself, I go out and purchase a 16 oz (US) bottle of sorbitol. I poured an 8 oz cup of prune juice to which I add 1/2 oz of sorbitol. One half oz of sorbitol is about 15 grams. Added to the 10.5 grams already part of the prune juice puts this prune juice cocktail at around 25 grams of sorbitol. Did it work? IT DID INDEED!
Now I'm in the process of refining the dosage. "Should I take it only at night or in the daytime also?" etc Sorbitol is not a stimulant laxative so it won't ruin your peristalsis.
Here in the states sorbitol is over-the-counter not needing a physicians prescription.
I don't know about the UK. Here in the US 16 oz sells for around $9 which I believe comes to a little over 7 pounds. (I recall when 7 UK pounds was over $35 US)
Disclaimer: If any of you care to follow in may footsteps that is entirely YOUR DECISION.
Sorbitol is available on Amazon.
Please don't leave. I have learned a lot from you and I can't wait for my "stuff" to arrive so I can try it. Right now I can barely walk from my bedroom to the kitchen without being out of breath. My Dr. doesn't know what to do for me and my insurance only covers part of the cost of the inhalers that don't seem to help at all. I get sinus infections all the time and he will give me an antibiotic and steroids, that helps until they're gone. Can't wait to try the "Morehope" method.
I wish to emphasize that nothing will happen overnight and I knew from the start that my test readings would never reverse. My FEV1 in May of 2018 was 25. It is now 26. (WOW, big deal.) According to the statistics I am in end stage 4. I don't know how someone at my stage usually acts like so I'll share mine. I don't use oxygen. What for? I don't need it. I just got out of bed and had to feed my 2 cats. I confine my cats to living downstairs. ( I live in a 2 level home.) I live on the upper floor so I have to go up and down 14 steps several times a day, many time carrying packages. (It ain't fun but they won't move themselves.)
All I can say is that my emphysema is there but for the most part it don't impact me too much. Call it God's grace if you want. I can't run but I can walk at normal pace for as FAR as I want to. I drive. And during the day, for the most part I do not feel handicapped at all. I take my supplement 3 times per day in divided doses. I DO take something that doctors have given me to use. It is something I nebulize 2X per day. I can live without it but it DOES give me a slight lift so I use it.