Does anyone have any success stories or remedies that work. I have researched this disease for three years trying to find something that will help reduce symtoms. The best I have found is peppermint tea. Has anyone researched drinking Q Silica a massage therapist told my wife to drink this for a time. The other thing is my wife has purpura and constantly has sores from broken skin, is this a normal thing for COPD let’s brainstorm and try and find some practical solutions to reduce symptoms.
Solutions that work: Does anyone have any... - COPD Friends
Solutions that work
Brilliant idea
I have noticed through all my research a link between low iron, low magnesium, low potassium with COPD sufferers and possibly caused by steroid use as welll. Yet doctors or specialists don’t seem to monitor this for my wife unless you specifically ask. The other thing I am exploring at the moment is low Zinc has anyone found they are low in Zinc. All these deficiencies seem to have symptoms like shortness of breath. I am just a guy trying to find s9me help for my wife who is sufferering with COPD.

I can’t really help, but I will chip in, maybe give you an avenue for research.
Firstly, years ago, I was told by my GP to take zinc supplements as my immune system was compromised. ( You need to take vitamin c alongside it, for the body to absorb it.)
Secondly, I have been looking into magnesium as a supplement for asthma.
I did find a research paper that showed supplements did have a positive effect in some patients, and I do know that some people who are admitted to hospital after an attack are given magnesium through iv. I have yet to read anything on the mechanisms.
Some people have success with salt pipes, but I’m sure you are aware of that.
Good luck in your searches.
Yes, I have also looked at magnesium as a supplement as it is supposed to Be a natural bronchodilator to open airways, haven’t heard of salt pipes though. Will look into that. Thanks for the heads up with vitamin C with Zinc same as Magnesium.

Interesting. I have just started with a magnesium supplement but not everyday.
I’ve read about a lot of people using salt pipes, with varied results. You will find posts on the British lung foundation website, here on health unlocked. You might want to post there. There are a bunch of knowledgeable and very active people there so you are bound to get responses.
There is also information about nebulising magnesium sulphate, don’t know how safe this is??
I have been researching to find something that would help to breathe easier. Green tea works wonders as does pineapple juice. Since I have changed my diet and am eating anti-inflammatory foods more, I feel much better. I also keep a dehumidifier on all day with eucalyptus oil in it, as well as having a hot bath or shower daily works as the steam opens the lungs and allows the phlegm to come up easier making it easier to breathe. Also deep breathing exercises help as well. I hope this helps.