Hi everyone, doctor has told me I have chronic bronchitis my spirometry test was normal but the lower end of the norm but I’ve been having lots of symptoms of copd my breathing seems to be getting worse even with inhalers I can hear my breathing it sounds like am snoring when breathing in and out which then makes me cough am wheezing a lot more and now I have a cold again am so scared it’s going to go on my chest again, I have back pain and my ribs are sore to touch underneath, am so scared as am only in my early 30s have have 2 children to look after am looking for some advice I no with copd-emphysem exercise and healthy eating can help is this the same as chronic bronchitis, I no one can tell me what my future looks like am trying so hard to try and be positive but I look at my children and I just cry all the time am scared for them to see me getting ill, am so tired all the time now and have such a tightness in my chest it’s so hard to be positive just need someone to talk to
Just been diagnosed has anyone any advice Ple... - COPD Friends
Just been diagnosed has anyone any advice Please am in my early 30s can’t stop crying all the time mum of 2 trying to stay positive

Hi, sorry to hear how upsetting your symptoms are on you. So glad you reached out for help. I believe that whether you are diagnosed with bronchitis or copd, the actions you can take are the same. First of all, I hope you have a pulmonary doctor who specializes in these things. They know best the meds that will work for you. If you're smoking, quitting right away would do you good, also exercising daily, esp walking & drinking a lot of water. Doing these things will help give you peace in knowing you're doing all you can. You're blessed to have 2 children. I'll be praying that your anxiety leaves you & that you go forward, one day at a time. Pls keep us updated.
God bless you, Terri
Thankyou for your kind words I no am blessed to have my beautiful children, am really trying hard to enjoy every minute with them, but really struggling to stay strong I just keep crying all the time and I feel so alone, am seeing a consultant at the hospital hopefully they will get me the best treatment thankyou for ur reply
I am newly diagnosed with copd and my first post was about how scared I was/am. It is a perfectly normal response to a scary diagnosis. The lovely people on this forum are so supportive and you can find lots of information and reassurance from them. My priority now is to see my grandchildren grow up, last week I didn’t think I would be around to do so. Have a look at the breathing exercises which will help you feel calmer, have a good read of the forum for advice, eat well, exercise and most of all be kind to yourself. The fear will pass and enable you to see a way forward x
Fight you are the same age as my daughter I will pray for you...
COPD is an odd one, many people don’t know they even suffer from it. At least you have a diagnosis and can access the right people to help you. I found it helpful to find out as much as possible about Emphysema and I make sure Im up to date with information via Google etc. Eat well, during the scary times try and relax and test( I know how hard that can be with two children!) Give yourself time. Eat well, drink plenty of water and exercise as much as you can. I’ve lived with this for years and my Doctor told me you can live out a normal lifespan but look out for yourself and use the health professionals to support you. Good luck and never panic- you’ll get ups and downs, but keep your airways as clear as possible, avoid pollutants and there is no reason to fear the future 💕👍