Hi friends I was just going to introduce my self my name is Karyee it is pounced like Carrie I was just diagnosed on the 7th of this month with COPD and found out I have a 7mm mass in my left lung since my Lung Doctor put me on Anoro® Elliot® and albuterol inhalers
Newly diagnosed : Hi friends I was just going... - COPD Friends
Newly diagnosed

Hi Karyee, I want to welcome you. I'm sorry to hear about you having copd & also a mass on your lung. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to hear this news. We're here for you. It's good that you have a pulmonary doctor. Hopefully the meds prescribed will help you out. Feel free to read some posts that will give you information, emcouragement & support. Please keep us updated. I pray that as you begin this journey, you take one day at a time. God bless you, Terri
Thank you for reading my post and responding to me yes I do have a pulmonary doctor and she is helping me out what is freaking me out the most is that mass in my left lung but they can't rescan me until July so I have to wait to find out if is something to worry about or not I hope it isn't I have three beautiful children to live for and wonderful husband so I pray a lot more than I did before and put all my fears at the lord feet and know that he will help me thru this journey
Karyee, I know it's easier said than done when telling someone not to worry. Been there, done that myself. When I first got diagnosed with copd in the Fall of 2016, I had pretty bad panic attacks. As time went by, I've accepted it & that's a big help in and of itself. I started thinking that I'll do my best & God will do the rest. Keep trusting Him. I hope you're not smoking...if so, it's important to quit. Also drink plenty of water & walk daily. You can do this. Remember, one day at a time. Terri
I am working on quitting smoking as we speak and yes I am trusting in the lord after losing my son in 2004 due to stillbirth that I live day by day minute by minute second by second cause life is precious and to short to rush thru it
Hi Karyee,
I know is is impossible to not worry, just try not to worry too much. COPD is manageable, and as for that 7 mm spot on your lung, it is most likely nothing to worry about. If it turns out that is is something, it is still small and manageable.
Keep in touch, let us know how you are doing.
Hi Carrie the best thing you can do right now to help yourself is to stop the cigs just concentrate on stopping what ever it takes that is your best treatment out there take care xxx