This surgery removes some of your bad lung tissue to allow the rest of your lung to have more room to breath. I am having this surgery and am wondering if anyone else in the group has had it.
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS) - COPD Friends
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS)
I have never heard of it, but hope it works for you, but do a lot of checking before having it done.
I've read about it,but that's all,
I have no idea what this surgery entails. Pls feel free to share with us all that your doctor has told you about it. Always interested in learning more. I'll be praying that it goes well for you. Terri
What a coincidence. In the education part of my pulmonary rehab program on Friday the person sitting next to me had had it done at the University of Washington Hospital at the end of last year and said that "it changed her life". The pulmonologist conducting the class explained it to us and all one had to go through to get to the point of having the surgery. Good luck mlej. Please let us all know how you do.
A lady in my pulmonary rehab had this surgery done and it greatly enhanced her quality of life. All I know is her breathing was excellent compared to the rest of us in the group. She was in her late sixties and excellent health otherwise. Glad you are a candidate, if I was I would get it. good luck
Can you explain what qualifies an individual for this procedure? If Medicare covers this type of procedure?Thank you ,
wish you well & much better breathing !!
Medicare covers if you have the surgery at a hospital that participated in the nationwide study of LVRS (ask your pulmonologist.)
Your upper lobes have to be the worst part of your disease and you have to be retaining lots if air.

Thank you for this information, good luck and wishing you much improved breathing

Thanks. I never realized that
I think it has to do with the stage of COPD and how the rest of your body is. I have diabetes type 2,:,herds, a cyst on my Kidney, and was born a premie. Twin with under developed plan English I never should have started smoking.And imagine I was in Nursing school.
I have scarred lung tissue and I am going to work to get it taken out. I'll be asking the pulmo doc Wednesday.
It takes faithful exercises to build our enduance
Hi, I was just going through some posts from awhile ago and saw yours about getting lung reduction surgery. I am sorry for not doing this till now. Well embarrassed is more like it. Would you tell me how it went and how your doing now? I pray all went well for you.
It did not go well. The surgeon discovered I have adhesions (meaning my lung was stuck to the pleural wall) so he could not remove the lobe. He tried in three different spots.
The surgeon had given a friend of mine a new lease on life the year before. My problem was they could not tell that my lungs were stuck. People with COPD have poorly moving lungs.
I'm very sorry that it didn't work out for you. Don't give up keeping on, let's give this disease a run for the money. I get so discouraged a lot but I push and push, I'll fight til I can't anymore. Plz stay in touch and take care of yourself ok. I'll keep you in my prayers. Look forward to hearing from you💜🙏