How likely is it to have normal Sigmo... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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How likely is it to have normal Sigmoidoscopy yet undetected cancer on the right colon?

Grange123 profile image
4 Replies


I’m 38 yr old male that’s had IBS-D most of my adult life. However recently it’s got a lot worse. Every morning I have 1-2 loose bowel movements. Often undigested food (veg and fruit skin in particular in my stool). I put this down to IBS. However I had one episode of a noticeable amount of bright red blood.

Yesterday I had a sigmoidoscopy. The doctor said I had a mild internal haemorrhoids and said the bleeding episode was due to that.

However…he also found a 4mm hyperplastic polyp which even though he said is small and non sinister it has FREAKED me out! It may be routine for them and the doctor pretty much ignored my panicked questions and mumbled something about benign but will double check. He sent it for biopsy as precaution but even though the sigmoidoscopy report said no sign of cancer I’m wondering how much of an alarm bell that polyp is. Could I have something sinister in the part of the colon the sigmoidoscopy didn’t look at whilst the left side getting the all clear? Isn’t 38 very young to have a polyp…even if small and hyperplastic?


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4 Replies
Docksgirl profile image

Me again. I just wanted to say that I too had polyps removed which I was told were benign. They sent them away for checking but everything OK. The doctors know really what looks dodgy. By removing that polyp it will not become cancerous. Have they suggested you have another check in about 3 years which I am. With haemorrhoids you suffer bleeding from time to time. I have those too for the last 20 years. I am a lot older than you. Whether you should have had a colonoscopy is a question for your doctor. I only know my own story but I would say don’t worry too much.

Grange123 profile image
Grange123 in reply to Docksgirl

Thanks for the reply. They haven’t recommended future investigations unless the biopsy comes back as concerning and then they would recommend a full colonoscopy. They wrote on their notes if the biopsy is normal then they will discharge me back to my local general doctor.

Unfortunately still have to cope with the bad IBS. It seems all healthy food makes my IBS worse (and I like to eat healthily) but veg and fruit seems really hard on my gut.

GCCA-Survivor profile image
GCCA-SurvivorAdministrator in reply to Grange123

I had a gastrojejunostomy (stomach bypass) and had to learn what foods are tolerated. I had the same issues with absorbing veggies & fruits. I've found making those into a smoothie in a Nutribullet machine is very helpful. I drink a little many times a day. Not all at once. It seems to be much better that way and helps absorption.

GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Grange123,

Thank you for posting in Colon Cancer Connected.

One thing for sure is you are catching "whatever" really early in the process. Your doctor identified your polyp as "hyperplastic" vs "adenomatous". Adenomatous are the ones to be more concerned about. "Hyperplastic" are by definition benign. You'll know for sure when pathology reports back. It's good your doctor is getting that checked out so you will know for sure.

Hyperplastic polyp is where your body has repaired damaged tissue. I wouldn't think that to be anything sinister. Are you very young to have this? Maybe. Never think age to be the determinant of health issues. I ignored my symptoms and didn't give my family history the respect it deserved and paid a big price. If I were you, I'd focus on the knowledge you've gained early. If there is something that needs to be watched, then that's definitely good to know early.

Please let us know how pathology turns out. We wish you the very best for getting positive, healthy results.

Thank You!!

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

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