I go for my follow up sigmoidoscopy on Tuesday to check for regrowth of my precancerous polyp that was removed 6 months ago. What are the chances that these regrow in the same spot and if so, could they already have turned to cancer if they grow back within 6 months? The closer I get to the test, the more nervous I’m getting. He removed the entire polyp as it was Pedunculated at my first colonoscopy
follow up sigmoidoscopy: I go for my... - Colon Cancer Conn...
follow up sigmoidoscopy

Hi EmmyCG,
Thanks for posting with us and for your informative replies to other posts on this site. It is good to hear from other experiences. So, you’re going for your 6 month follow up sigmoidoscopy. I think you’re all over this. You should not be nervous. You are doing exactly what you need to be doing. You had a good colonoscopy and a polyp removal 6 months ago which is really great that you had that done. Now you’re in surveillance mode. You're doing great.
Question: just wondering🤔 ... why would the follow-up for finding a pedunculated polyp during a "colonoscopy" and having it removed be a "sigmoidoscopy" and not a full "colonoscopy?" Why just surveillance on the sigmoid colon? I would be interested to hear how this surveillance came about. Maybe its a unique sigmoid colon issue that wouldn't occur in other parts of the colon? Again, just wondering.
I’ll never forget my doctor telling me that the tumor they took out of me in 2012 was more than likely a polyp in 2006. These things do take a long time to develop which is why colon cancer is a highly preventable cancer if caught early. You have caught yours early👏👍. You are what we call a “Previvor” and you should tell your story to whomever will listen. Getting screened and catching things early are absolutely the best way to do things. Getting people to screen is a big issue. You are living the benefit and importance of catching things early. Tell your story.
I don’t know what the chances would be if another polyp developed in the same spot that you had one removed 6 months ago. I guess it would be possible🤔, but you should feel great that it will be found at your sigmoidoscopy and removed during the process. I hope they don’t find anything which is the ultimate goal. But the main thing to think about is that you’re having this surveillance done and you’re taking action to prevent colon cancer.
I do wish you the best Tuesday. Please let us know what you find out from your sigmoidoscopy. I am definitely interested in your results. Your story is a good one. Tell as many people as you can.
Thank you,
~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.
Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.
Thank you for replying! I always look forward to your input bc I respect your opinion. My polyp was in my sigmoid colon so they’re just checking for regrowth. It was a Tubulovillous with focal high grade dysplasia. I’m so scared that it’s regrown and has now developed into cancer. I’m always a worst case scenario and wish I wasn’t.
I had my sigmoidoscopy late November to check for regrowth of a pendunculated polyp found 4 months prior during colonscopy. Unlike yours though mine wasn't classed as pre cancerous... the sigmoidoscopy revealed no regrowth however a smaller polyp (also tested and not cancerous) . XX Sending you positive vibes! 🥰 Xx
You be alright, I had one precancerous polyp removed last October and I be going for colonoscopy again in October this year again, honestly I’m worried as well and I do hope everything is well for us, I sincerely hope as well that the precancerous polyp will not regrow after 1 year. Please do update us after your Tuesday testing, waiting to hear good news from u
No regrowth and no additional polyps. He went ahead and did a colonoscopy instead of sigmoidoscopy!
Awesome news👏👏👏. It’s great the Dr. did the colonoscopy. I was thinking that it’s good to see if there was regrowth in the sigmoid, but a polyp in the sigmoid means the whole colon has that chance as well. Now you have peace of mind 👍❤️
So what’s your follow up surveillance procedure? Colonoscopy every ______
I’m high risk, so I get annual colonoscopy and CT scan🤔😳😬
He said three years but I told him I wanted to do yearly for a little just to make sure since I’m considered high risk with the size and histology of my polyp
Okay I saw the reply, thank you and congratulations and how have your this 6 months going on? Do you have a lot of gas during these few months or so?
Hi Emmy can I know your diet during these 6 months , what did you eat or get to find out what to eat to prevent any cancerous or precancerous polyps from coming back
I haven’t really changed my diet but definitely am planning on it. Low fat and more fruits and vegetables and try to incorporate some kind of exercise. Even if it’s just walking.
So during that 6 months before the scope, you didn’t change any diet? Usually what are the kind of food you eat . I’m sorry to ask because I hope to see what people eat especially when they had precancerous polyp removed as I hope to follow as well. Do you take probiotic or any digestive enzymes? Thank you