I received my biopsy results today. Last week the doctor took out a 2cm polyp in my sigmoid colon. My symptoms were blood in stool and rectal pressure. It came back as having some high grade dysplasia (precancerous) so I will need to repeat a colonoscopy in three years. If anyone is concerned about symptoms, please get a colonoscopy. I’m so glad I didn’t wait and got mine bc if I would have waited, it could’ve been really bad.
Biopsy results: I received my biopsy... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Biopsy results
I'm glad they found it in time! I'm nervously waiting on results from a 30mm polyp found in sigmoid colon. Can I ask did it say anything on ou initial report about the possible diagnosis ie benign/cancerous?
He told me after the colonoscopy that he wasn’t worried with how it looked and it seemed to be benign to him. But the pathology report stated focal high grade dysplasia so I have to be rechecked again in 3 months and then yearly for a while. Thankfully we caught it in time before it turned to cancer. Praying for good results for you. Keep us updated

Thank you for your reply! The consultant didn't discuss the polyp with me..I was wheeled into another room and nurse checked stats etc, gave me some paperwork on polyps and my initial report that states size, type and how it was removed.. and says polyp found rest of colonlooks normal..and another section says wait for test results. Hopefully I'll get them soon! Xx
Hi Beebeehappy,
Sending good vibz for positive test results from you histology. I am glad you got your colonoscopy as well and early to get the polyp stage. Please let us know what you find out.💪👏❤️
Have you heard from your biopsy?

Nooo not yet! Xx
I hate you’re having to wait so long 😩 did they say how long it would take?

It says patient remains on the 28 day pathway...and between 1-2 weeks... tomorrow will be 12 days so hopefully soon! Xx

Phoned Dr's today..receptionist said they waiting on histology report which can take up to 6 weeks!!! Argghhh...

Hello, what is your precancerous polyp called, is there a name to it, cos mine is call Traditional Serrated adenomas so I’m wondering is yours in the same family and after 3 months, your went for a recheck and is everything okay?

That is great news because you know what you're dealing with and can focus on what needs to be done. You know your surveillance procedures to keep you ahead of anything that may come about. I am glad you got that colonoscopy early as well.
Note to you ... please tell your story and spread the importance of knowing and getting things screened. Tell it to anyone who will listen. It is absolutely true you avoided something that may have been really bad. You are a previvor and the importance of that is huge. All the best ... 👍🤟❤️
And I was waiting for so long to finally decide make a colonoscopy and I think its really too late...
I got blood in my stool for many years but too fool to make this procedure earlier. No chance