i just wanted to come on here and update on my colonoscopy results. I posted in here a month or so ago stating I had blood in my stool and pressure in my rectum. I finally decided to get the colonoscopy and he found a 2cm polyp. My doctor kept telling me he was not worried at all. Can they tell by looking at the polyp if it looks cancerous or not? And if it is cancer and it’s still a polyp, is that better than it being a tumor? If anyone is having symptoms, please go get your colonoscopy. I worried myself sick for months and I’m praying it’s benign but hoping if it is something, they caught it early
*colonoscopy update*: i just wanted to... - Colon Cancer Conn...
*colonoscopy update*
Hi, I recently had 6 polyps removed. Consultant looked at them and recorded benign on my notes. Still sent away for testing but I think they have a good idea if something is nasty or not. I was discharged from clinic on day with no follow up and haven’t heard back from biopsies… this was over a month ago, so am assuming all is well. Sure all will be fine xx
Thanks for sharing Nannysparkles. To put your mind at ease, I would contact them and ask them for the results. I get an annual colonoscopy and I get the information from the doctor about what was found before I leave the facility. I am a part of electronic records and I get an indication when test results are posted and I can go out and look at the histology of what was found. That's for my colonoscopy. My dermatologist will just call me and discuss the results. So it does depend on the facility and the doctor.
Are you in the U.K.? I had a colonoscopy yesterday and was given a report after. There’s a question on there on whether anything looked like cancer. Mine said no. Did you get a report? I had 2 polyps removed. They were sent for testing. They didn’t think they were cancerous but said these things can potentially turn cancerous at a later date so best to get rid of them. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and had numerous biopsies sent for testing.
You are exactly right Peanut20233. It is good to get rid of them. It is also good to know you had them in the first place because that tells you you need to get tested sometime down the road to see if anything has developed and needs to be taken out. Your doctor should tell you the surveillance schedule that is most beneficial to your situation.
I don't think you're gonna be in my situation which is an annual colonoscopy and an annual CT scan along with a endoscopy every three years.😁👍
Hi, yes UK. Got report immediately after procedure description of each polyp and benign written on each. Also said no evidence of cancer. I will ring to see if results are back. I just got told I was being discharged back to GP, no mention of regular colonoscopies.
I'm currently waiting on the biopsy report..no mention of polyp size or if it was benign 😬 just that it was pendunculated and how it was removed.
As far as I am aware the NHS do not do regular screening of polyps (I'm over 75)? I have a stomach polyp of 5mm some three years back and I don't think I can ask for it to be removed unless it troubles me by which time it could be too late! Mine was described as 'epithelial' which i think means it has not progressed into the flesh layers which is when cancer is diagnosed. If I want that checked it may be going private. Feedback welcome.

That is good news. A polyp is definitely better than a tumor. I'm glad to see you had it removed. I'm sure everything is okay but they definitely had to send it for Histology. Also, given that they found a polyp, did they suggest what your surveillance should be into the future? In other words how often should you be getting a colonoscopy to make sure everything's OK?
My situation requires me to get an annual colonoscopy and an annual CT scan.
Thank you for sharing with us. It is a good message to get your colonoscopy.
Thank you for responding. He told me to have another one in 3 years. I thought a 2cm polyp was considered large but my GI doctor said it was medium size and he wasn’t concerned at all. I saw my surgical oncologist yesterday for my benign Desmoid tumor and showed her the report and the pic of the polyp. She said it was benign looking and that she wouldn’t be worried at all. I don’t know much about this kind of stuff. So if a polyp is malignant, is it considered early stage since it hasn’t turned into a tumor? I put off this colonoscopy for such a long time bc i was scared but the worst thing was drinking the prep. The actual procedure was nothing. This group has been great with information

Oh the prep was horrendous! I’m with you on that one. More so the second drink 🙈🤢 I’m 43 and have a son. I know how scared you’ve been. I also have health anxiety. Wish you the best for your results but sounds positive so far x

How long did you put off the colonoscopy?
Sending positive vibes..im 41 and had bleeding, fluctuating stools etc . Posive fit ted reffered for urgent colonscopy- larger looking polyp found - currently waiting on results! Xx
Update on your results???
Hi, histology reported that the polyp was not cancerous/suspicious 😊...waiting on a follow up colonscopy to check there's no regrowth! X
So happy for you!
I have a polyp in the stomach. it was described as epithelial which I think means it is a surface polyp. I think it is when they progress into the lower layers then cancer can develop. Not sure though.