New to this group. I have a strong family history of colon cancer. My dad’s youngest brother passed away at 50 from it. Many aunts and uncles and some cousins have to go regularly for colonoscopy/polyp removal. When I was 36 I was talking to a couple of my aunts about my stomach issues from “stress.” They immediately jumped on my case saying I should have been for a colonoscopy at 35, everyone in our family was supposed to. I had one in my 20s because of GI issues I was having and it was fine. I went years without problems which is why I thought all the stress of been through was causing my symptoms. Turns out I had to have a couple polyps removed, one of which was large and precancerous. They also found erosive gastritis and grade C esophagitis. All this bought me another date with my GI doc for a probe every 3 years. Well, I’m two years in and have had the same thinned stools with the added joy of rectal bleeding. I saw my PCP while waiting on GI appt and they confirmed blood in my rectum but did not feel any internal hemorrhoids. I have had exterior ones since my pregnancies, but they don’t really bother me. I of course was ordered to get another upper and lower GI, but when I found it was going to be $3k to start plus 10-20% for all the other doctors/fees I pushed it to January so at least my deductible would reset and we’d have more money built up in our MRA to help cover the cost. Now I’m noticing my stool also smells really weird and looks kind of greasy. The smell is so distinct, and I also feel like a lot of foods I eat have this weird taste too. Wondering if anyone else has had any of these strange symptoms… or if anyone has had colon cancer within 2 years of colonoscopy. I’m only 38 now, but these symptoms seem worse than before. Everything I’ve read says colon cancer takes 10-15 years to develop so I didn’t think an extra couple months would make a difference but I’d be lying if I said my continuing and new symptoms aren’t worrying me now.
2 years post Colonoscopy: New to this... - Colon Cancer Conn...
2 years post Colonoscopy

I had my 1st colonoscopy in june with sedation it was horrific had to be aborted they took 9 biopsies 5 polyps and 5mm of a 25mm sessile polyp away i couldnt stand anymore. The results came back IBS, mucosa, proctitus and severe diverticulitus. I was recalled back 5 weeks ago to have the rest taken away along with a small polyp but this time under propofol which was great didnt feel a thing. Result no cancer (tested under microscope) they have booked a colonogram with air for a years time to check all still ok. if it is 3 years after another one. Im passing wind all day long and burping and still getting blood when i wipe, looks like this will be the norm for me now but at least no cancer! My gp referred me fast track for suspected colorectal cancer. proctitis seems to be the main problem and diverticulitis.
That’s good there’s no cancer! I’m sorry for your continued symptoms though. I was scheduled to get my scopes at the end of august, but I figured I should wait since we have paid nothing towards our deductible this year and it’s so costly. I thought if they do find something at least I’ve met my deductible for the year. Just getting anxious now.
I had a 1cm polyp removed when I was 33 and it was precancerous or maybe on the borderline of being cancerous .. The doctor was very concerned so another colonoscopy was done one 3 month afterwards.. and two small polyps were found and one of them is going to grow big and become cancerous as doctor said. I did asked him how come it was not removed at the first time and he said it's so small that didn't even look like a polyp..He also can't tell if it's the same spot as where the first polyp grows. Did u also have a gastroscopy?
Hi JoyceJH. I did have an upper endoscopy, that’s how I learned of the erosion in my stomach and the advanced esophagitis. They put me on omeprazole but it’s not a long term medication. I had already developed an aversion to coffee, wine, etc. before the scope so it was easy to cut that sort of thing out of my diet. I also wasn’t able to eat much because I would feel like gagging with most foods. It was strange, but again I didn’t think much of it at the time. It’s really odd I have it at all since I’m not a heavy drinker, don’t eat much red meat, and hardly ever take medications like aspirin or ibuprofen. I wonder if after three pregnancies with severe all day sickness that lasted for 2 trimesters each time, if I have a relaxed sphincter or something. I’m just worried now with the increased symptoms if they missed something or if it is possible to have rapidly growing polyps or cancer of the bowel. My next appt is for right after the new year so it can be more affordable.
With your family history, I am glad you are speaking with your doctor and making sure you have regular colonoscopies. Please keep us posted. Best wishes from the Global CCA team.
Thank you! I continue to get blood occasionally as well as mucous in my stool. I feel like a weirdo always inspecting my poo, but it’s just really weird now. I go more often and it’s just different. I also have no appetite most days and feel like I just complain about not feeling well constantly. I am very anxious, January 10th can’t come soon enough.
Hi MKMWCE, how are you now? Any more colonoscopies after this one?