After weeks of waiting and worrying I had my colonoscopy this morning and thankfully I don’t have cancer I have colitis I just wanted anyone who was having similar symptoms to me I was pooping blood and bloated amongst other symptoms and was really worried about the colonoscopy but it was not painful or uncomfortable I didn’t enjoy the bowel cleansing prep though still I got through it by chilling the drink and sipping through a straw while alternating with electrolyte drink I hope this helps someone who has yet to have the procedure
colonoscopy results : After weeks of... - Colon Cancer Conn...
colonoscopy results

Thank you Helloit for expressing a very good point that not everything is going to be sinister, but everything needs to be checked out and answers found. And yes the prep can be a definite pain but a necessary one at that. I also add an electrolye drink to mine for flavor and make it go down. I need to try the straw thing next time. I get a colonoscopy annually.
All the best ... Tom
what were your symptoms other then blood? Was the blood in stool or just in tissue paper.
Hello Mauryah I had blood on toilet paper and in the bowl I also had a deep ache in my lower back and hips when I sat down, intermittently I would get sharp stabbing pain on my left lower side and just under rib cage I had extremely foul smelling flatulance and I couldn't stop burping in fact my stomach is always making strange sounds and I have fatigue.
Hi Helloit, what did they prescribed for your colitis?