I’m so worried I have colon cancer. I am 35. I never knew to pay attention to the size and shape of your poop until recently. When I did I noticed that it can be thinner or flat square shaped for several days and then go back to more round normal shape for a couple days then back to abnormal again. I also have watery diarrhea sometimes but usually have somewhat formed stool at least one a day or sometimes will occasionally have 1 random day that I won’t go. I do know I get dehydrated frequently because I’m always busy or don’t feel thirsty. I have also had happen a couple times where a black floating bean like thing come out in my poop and I hadn’t eaten beans. I have low back pain in the morning that usually will hurt if I bend over or just hurt while standing after I first get up. My grandpa had colon cancer when he was older, my dad has had polyps and my younger brother has had a precancerous polyp at 31 or 32 years old ( hes now 33) I can’t get in for a colonoscopy until over a month from now and I’m driving myself crazy.
scared that I might have colon cancer... - Colon Cancer Conn...
scared that I might have colon cancer at 35

here are some pictures of my stool (sorry for the graphic pics)
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Hi Lolo2023,
Thanks for posting with us. I hate to hear you’re having to deal with this. I’m proud of you in that you have covered a lot of relevant information and you’re not ignoring symptoms.
Given your family history, you should be getting genetic testing to find out if your family has a hereditary situation. Your father could have this done. That would be the best way. If your father’s genetic testing reveals a germline mutation (biomarkers), then both you and your brother should be tested as well. Knowing this would lead to a surveillance regiment to catch and prevent cancers early. A schedule of colonoscopies and CT scans as well as blood work would be involved.
I have Lynch Syndrome which is hereditary. I missed a lot of symptoms even after I had 2 cousins pass from colon cancer at the ages of 36 & 41. My father passed that germline mutation on to me. My brother didn’t have the mutation. I was MSI-h, dMMR.
Are you scheduled to get a colonoscopy? If so, that’s great. What tests have been administered? Did you get a FIT test to see if there’s blood in the stool? Your symptoms could be a result of many different things and you need to narrow down the options.
I don’t know where you are, but there are several test that could happen like Cologuard or Galleri.
Access to testing like this should be well known by your doctor. Just make sure your family’s cancer history is given.
Another thing. You are young. That is a big positive in your corner. Catching things early is key. But symptoms know NO age. You are never too young for something to happen. A symptom at age 35 is the same as a symptom at age 65. You need a definitive answer to what you are experiencing. Perhaps you can get fast tracked for that colonoscopy appointment and other testing like genetic.
I think you are all over this. You’re not ignoring things. You know your family history. You just need definitive answers and you’re well on your way to getting that👍.
Please keep us up to speed on your journey. This would be very helpful to others on this site.👍❤️
yes I just got a call the other day that they had a colonoscopy spot come open this coming Tuesday so I am going to start prep tomorrow. I just wish I would’ve paid attention to my symptoms sooner and not brushed them off. I will update after my colonoscopy Tuesday
I can understand how you feel and I want to talk to you about when you have to be worried. The last time I went to check my abdomen doctors told me inoperable. Moreover I can’t even take chemo orradiotherapy. Doctors send me home to wait death. This is the anxiety time. Check your health and follow the right therapy.
No evidence of cancer that she could see and no polyps that she could see. My right colon still had poop in it so she couldn’t get as good of a look at it she said I apparently have a slower moving colon but she did some power washing in there and said she still couldn’t see as well as she would like but if there as any big polyps or tumors she would’ve seen it but maybe not able to see any small ones. I also have non-bleeding internal hemorrhoids. I asked her about shape and she thinks I’m holding stool along that area I think and then it stays and gets compacted and then I get diarrhea going around it. Doesn’t make sense to me since I go pretty much every day. Told me to take miralax daily and get another one in a year but next time I have to drink the prep stuff for 2 days prior 😵💫
Thank you for your amswer. But my doc told me that I ‘ m not allowed to fly
Thank you for your pics and post this is exactly what im going through with my stools. Exactly the same. Glad to hear that eberything checked out okay and no issues. This gives me relif.