IBS vs IBD vs cancer
Hi all, I’ve been having problems with abdominal pain for the last 3 years. Initially my test results showed cal protectin at 97 (would have tested further at 100+) and a normal sigmoidoscopy, sent to gynea and had ovarian cysts, monitored and then surgery found my abdominal wall had adhered to my intestines (2018), this gave no relief and gastro still only giving IBS as a diagnosis. The pain was always on my left but has now also moved to the right (upper and lower), the pain lower right is sharp and stabbing. I feel sick and very tired. An ultrasound 2 weeks ago showed ovaries and kidneys to be normal. I now also have a very painful back which I’m unsure is related. BM go between constipation and lose, sometimes blood present. I also haven’t had a period for 102 days, I’m 36 years old. I am terrified to push for tests as I feel like I’ve been ping ponged around and waiting times etc, especially now with COVID-19. Both my Grandmothers had bowel cancer (paternal at 62), my dad had bladder cancer at 45 and I lost my paternal aunt to pancreatic and liver cancer aged 55 2018.