Hello all I’m 35 years old and I’ve recently have had abdominal pain on my left side and blood in my stool. I have also tested positive for occult blood in stool. I’m beyond terrified that I have cancer as my wife is 21 weeks pregnant with our first child. I have been scheduled for a CT scan on the 29th of April, and more than likely going to get a colonoscopy in short succession. The process is just moving too slow for me and it’s affecting my mental state if I’m being honest. If anyone could give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
35 years old and very scared right now. - Colon Cancer Conn...
35 years old and very scared right now.

Your mind is your worst enemy, I had blood in my stool, thin stools etc. Colon cancer symptoms, went to the doctors and it was A okay. I was freaking my self out which caused my wife to freak out. I would try to focus on eating better and up your fibre and water intake. As well as it could be an internal hemeroid. Don’t stress I’m sure it will be okay.
Did you do a Colonoscopy James and did they tell what was causing those symptoms? I also have the same symptoms with a lot blood in stool, thin and loose stool sometimes. Sometimes normal stools. I had a CT scan that showed no issues in my bowel but I’m still very worried it could be cancer and cannot get a colonoscopy until after the Covid stuff is over.
I didn’t get a colonoscopy no, but How long has this been going on for? Time plays a key role in what it could be
To be honest. I’ve had these symptoms on and off for 5/6 years, how about you? I’m 29
Jeez, well It definitely not cancer because it would have spread by now if it was. It might just be an underlying infection Or you could be allergic to a certain food that you don’t know about that doesn’t sit well in the intestines.
I really do hope so. Although I read online that colorectal cancer is very slow growing. I have just been soo worried. Recently the bleeding has gone much worse and sometimes only blood comes out (a lot). I don’t have tummy pains or anything so I’m really concerned of what else this can be.
The best thing to do is go to a doctor and explain. Yes it is slow growing but 5 or 6 years it would of spread. How’s your diet? Your body could be reacting very poorly to something your putting in it
My diet recently hasn’t been too bad. I’ve spoke to some doctors a bunch of times and none of them seem to be able to tell me. That’s why I was scheduled for a colonoscopy but that was cancelled. My diet hasn’t been too bad and over the years this would come and go monthly. I started really stressing out a month ago and ever since, the bleeding hasn’t stopped. I am soo worried all the time, it’s taken over my life.
I don’t think you should worry, there’s a lot of things that could be wrong that aren’t cancer. The internet will make you stress and stress. For me I had the exact same issues and I stopped stressing, didn’t drink as much and ate a lot more fibre and drank a lot more water and within a couple weeks I was back to normal. Stress plays a key role.
A friend of mine lost his life due to colon cancer and it spread to other organs within 2 and a half years. You shouldn’t have to worry, focus on being happy and not think about it to much. Just drink water, buy foods rich in fibre. And go for a run or a jog even if it’s 10 Minutes an evening. You may see different results. That’s what I did and it went away on its own, whatever was causing the issue.
hey how are you now?
Really good now. No issues!
did you experience flat stool until now? and abdominal pain?
I have flat stools and thin still sometimes but it depends on what I eat, no stomach pain though which is good.
what food triggers your stomach pain? so that i can avoid it too
Anything greasy, red meats, caffeine, but everyone’s body reacts differently what I works for me might not work for you
There could be an infection of some sort in your intestines. Everyone is different, there are lots of different types of infections that can cause whatever it is that’s causing you those symptoms. I’m not a doctor, but from what your telling me with the Timeline and the CT found nothing, I think it’s an infection. But only a colonoscopy can be for sure. I can guarantee you once you get that colonoscopy you will say to your self “ wow I shouldn’t of been stressing so much” I truly believe it’s some sort of infection. But again I’m no doctor but that’s what I think. Try to focus on keeping stress levels under control and eating well and and focus on self care that could be a difference maker
Thanks James. I really need to stop reading stories of people who had colon cancer and comparing myself to them, I spend a lot of time reading online stuff and becoming more and more depressed. I feel like my life has just paused and I can’t even think about anything else properly. I do know that some stuff is on my side that can rule cancer out but most of the time, I just expect the worse.
Thanks for your assurance.
This is what I’m doing reading over and over and seems like sometimes it will be related and some won’t. I’ve had thinner stools for 5 months now but my doctors aren’t concerned so I need to move doctors and push to be seen by a specialist. So scared and worried.
hi I wonder if you already had your scope? how are you feeling now?
Yes I had my scope done. I had a large polyp removed, thankfully it was non-cancerous. I also have an ulcer, gastritis, and a hiatal hernia.
I'm glad it wasn't bad as cancer
how long you've been having the symptoms before u decided to have your scope done? I'm worried for my mom she's having symptoms for almost 2 years now but she can't have scope yet due to virus
hi bud what symptoms do you experience?