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Pain lower right side front abdomen poss iliac fossa 2-3 months and positive FIT + possible inguinal hernia? Some loose stools

Astralal profile image
9 Replies

Hi I'm 53 and I've had some odd symptoms. I have had bloods done all normal no anaemia, I'm not losing weight. My qFIT or FIT test though came back at 42 ug and I have pain in the my lower right abdomen at the front for 2-3 months. Dr described it as lower iliac fossa?

I had pain there for years on and off after a caesarean and had scans and MRI and they said they thought I had a hernia but weren't sure and I had no treatment. The pain went away after my periods stopped 7 years ago then came back this summer.

A few months ago I became aware of my poo moving through that area like it was "going around a corner"? Has anyone else experienced this? Then it started to feel painful in that area before I went to the loo occasionally, a few times so bad I thought I had appendicitis in late July/early August. It then started to hurt and be quite painful most mornings before a poo about a month ago. Last 2 weeks it started to hurt every day.

I could feel a lump under the abdomen on the front lower right side just above or end of my scar. I have also had what seems like looser stools, they are formed as normal, but break up and seem softer past 1-2 months.

When the Dr examined me last week she also said she could feel a lump low right side front, iliac fossa slightly above my cesearan scar (which is unusually low below bikini line) but it didnt feel typical so could be a subcutaneous hernia. It wasnt solid and she didnt feel it was a cancer lump, definitely likely a hernia, but she said it was slightly grisly, not just soft. She pushed it in and I was pain free after that for a couple of days. then the pain returned and I went back. She agreed with me that the lump was back but much smaller. She pushed it in again and again I felt better for a few days but then the pain came back. Both times after she pushed it and the pain returned, it now hurts all day, mildish but gnawing, cant ignore it, constantly there.

Because of this and the positive FIT test the Dr has been quite sombre and has referred me on the 2WW for a colonscopy and an abdominal ultrasound to check for the hernia. I asked her if the positive qFIT could be because of the hernia, but she said she thinks she cannot explain the blood in my poo or loosish stools with the possible hernia so she also thinks I have either diverticilitis, polyps, or bowel cancer?

I'm very scared now and wish I had gone to the Drs 6 weeks ago when the pain first started.

Sorry for long post any thoughts appreciated. I'm in the UK.

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Astralal profile image
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9 Replies
Canal1 profile image

Hi there. I think your GP is doing absolutely the best for you. The colonoscopy is gold standard for large bowel investigations and you’ll be told the outcome immediately after. Good luck and come back if you need anything further.

Astralal profile image
Astralal in reply to Canal1

Thank you I am dreading that conversation. I got referred yesterday, they called me this morning and offered me a cancellation in 2 days time for a colonoscopy. So I will get the results on Sunday if it's same day.

MOLLYMILO007 profile image

Hi I had really bad pain lower left side of my stomach and hip for months so paid for a gymie scan they found nothing so had a fit test that was positive so I was really worried as had blood in my stools for ages but suffer constipation very often so put it down to that anyway I had a ct scan with contrast it was clear nothing in my colon so dr put me on buscopan strongly after I knew all was OK it just went....I felt it again last week after a few years of nothing so went bk on buscopan amd it seems to have gone I take lacido each day as suffer constipation cos of pain meds for arthritis...anyway Just a suggestion why don't you take buscopan who knows it may just work xx

Astralal profile image
Astralal in reply to MOLLYMILO007

Thank you for your post it's reassuring to know someone else had lower iliac fossa pain and bleeding ! I don't have constipation it's more looser but I do go every day regularly so not extra times. I guess I will find out soon.

MOLLYMILO007 profile image

Good luck hun I'm sure you be fine if your anything like me ...I make it worse by having health anxiety I always think every ache pain or areas of concern are always something sinister ...honest I'm 65 young relatively healthy but I alway think something is bound to be not right...anyway in your case I'm sure it's treatable like mine was...x

Astralal profile image
Astralal in reply to MOLLYMILO007

Bless you. I'm incredibly lucky I got the FIT test result Wednesday night, referred by Thursday am and they called today Friday to offer me a cancellation Sunday ! You hear stories up country where people wait months so I'm grateful to be seen so fast the waiting and worrying it's the worst news is hard to bear.

So I was going to just have gas and air at the colonoscopy as I'm scared of sedation ..will it be manageable, does it hurt?

MOLLYMILO007 profile image
MOLLYMILO007 in reply to Astralal

Hi I opted out of that I asked for a ct scan with contrast only pro b with that is if they see something you have to go and have a colonscopy so they can remove what it is x

GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi Astrlal,

Thanks for posting with us. You definitely have a lot going on and I’m proud of you that you’re actively in search of those answers. Also great to hear that you are going to have your colonoscopy so soon. You are correct. I hear many stories where colonoscopies aren’t available for what could be months. So it’s great to see you’re getting in there Sunday. You have abdominal pain and bleeding and there needs to be an answer for both of those. Don’t stop pursuing this until you get answers for both of those.

Another question I would have is there any hereditary diseases within your family? This would be good information for your doctor to know as well. It could lead to some further beneficial tests as well.

As for me, I get an annual colonoscopy and a CT scan as a part of my surveillance. When they discovered that I had cancer, it was stage 4. I must say that I find the sedation part of the colonoscopy the absolute best part of it. It is the most relaxing feeling. I do actually look forward to it. The sedation they use with me is called propofol.

I do have some colonoscopy preparation tips. Move the timeline of your prep up a couple of hours. The prep is what it is and it needs to be done well. By moving it up a couple of hours, you will be able to get a good night’s sleep the night before. You should also do this the day of the procedure as you won’t be focusing on having to find a loo and can focus on preparing yourself for the procedure.

We do wish you the very best in getting answers for what you have going on. Please let us know what you find out as it is this type of information that can be helpful to others on this site as well.

I think you’re doing great. Exactly what you need to be doing👏❤️👍. Getting the definitive answers for the symptoms you’re experiencing so you can get on a path to being well is what it’s all about. You'll get there.

Thank you,

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

Astralal profile image

Thank you Tom!I am incredibly lucky I got my colonoscopy in 4 days from positive FIT result and free, on the NHS!

You are right, the preprep to clear the bowel is vital. The lady after me had her colonoscopy stopped as she hadn't done it properly and had also eaten. I didn't want to risk mine being cancelled so I did everything they told me to!

My prep went to plan and I had nothing in my bowel at all on the camera, completely clean and empty!

The pain relief was 50mg fentanyl? Very strong. I hated the sedation, it was 2mg of Midalozam. To me it felt like mild concussion and like my brain was working against me or it was an effort to stay lucid. Oddly maybe as I was first in they were so fast getting started and put camera in just as she administered it I felt the sedation kicked in towards the end or part way through?? I felt worse, less lucid right afterwards in the recovery bay! But there was no pain at all, I felt no discomfort so if I had to have it done again I would opt for pain relief but no sedation, if that's possible? Maybe it was the fentanyl that made me feel odd and like slightly concussed? They kept describing it as like you've had a pint of beer and tipsy but that's not how I felt, I felt like I'd had a mild blow to the head! (NO headache though)

It was amazing to watch it all and chat to the Consultant throughout and it was over quite quickly maybe 15/20 minutes. My colon had some soft folds in several places and he took a few biopsies to check for micro inflammation he said. He told me as he was removing camera that I had some diverticulitis.. I said so I DON'T have cancer!? And he said no, just DD. I am very relieved and I hope the biopsies are normal, I'm sure they will be.

Afterwards they gave me a report and I was shocked to discover I have DD "throughout my colon" but score 1 out of 2 whatever that means. I had no clue I had this, I've always eaten healthy, lots of vegetables, wholemeal bread, no red meat for 40 years etc.

I now have an abdominal and gynea ultrasound on Tuesday, again within days, to check what the pain in the right iliac fossa is...suspected inguinal or intradominal hernia. I did ask for a C-125 test for ovarian cancer and that came back normal so I am hoping I get the all clear on Tuesday for anything sinister.

Bless you for having stage 4 cancer and beating it and giving your time to all of us here, ehat a wonderful person you are. Thanks for your advice and kind words!

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