I’m at day +72 from my BMT. On day +70 on had labs and met with the medical team. Some of my concerns with weight loss and declining platelets were considered.
I had finally regained some weight 3lbs. This was an indication the steroid budesonide was beginning to help food absorption of nutrients. There are still GI issues, bowel movements and some general discomfort. Yet, the medical team is confident these will resolve over time. They indicated a lot may happen between now and day 100. For example my blood will transition, change from O- to O+ which is my donors type. Then I will see hematocrit, hemoglobin and red cells climb into normal ranges.
The platelets they anticipate that have slowed in their decline 57 to 52 will reverse their trend. I was very concerned Sunday when I had a bloody nose for 20 minutes! I have not had a problem since.
Looking forward to continuing improvement!