Hi all of you that responded to my question about painful lumps under the skin on thighs, arms and 1 in each breast. That gave me pause! I saw my oncologist today and told him about the 10 people who responded to my question saying you'd all had similar reaction. He was not at all dismissive. He was genuinely interested and surprised. I told him about the one individual who had it biopsied and that the results were that it was full of b lymphocytes. That made him wide eyed. When I told him that my theory was that the imbruvica was doing what it was supposed to do and that is pull the diseased cells from the tissues back into circulation. But in the cell's migration to the circulation, the cells were clumping up causing pockets of inflammation causing pain, swelling and redness. He agreed that made sense. I think because I did not blame the imbruvica outright and said it was the moving b lymphocytes that was causing the lumps he was willing to listen and did not dismiss my ideas. He's always been open minded.
Through this website I learned that the imbruvica venetoclax was not FDA approved he will go to bat for me and argue my case to get approval. Even if they do not approve the drug combination, the venetoclax was no where near as expensive as the imbruvica. Thank you to all of you who responded to my question. He took you as seriously as he does me.
I wish all of you the best of health in your battle and a future free of disease.