As I told you my brother is in the rump up with venetoclax. Now he is in 100 mg now.
This month he start relapsing his treatment with imbruvica monotherapy. He was 18 months with very good results with imbruvica, but as I said his cll start relapsing.
And his doctors consider add venetoclax. He put 20 mg, and then the second week with 50 mg, he retired the Ibutrinib bit this week his diasease go most fast and increase all the labels.
He went to the hospital and he must be there with medications and one blood transfusion, today another. And give again imbruvica and 100 mg of venetoclax.
The doctor said today that when they put off imbruvica with this low dose of venetoclax sometimes the cll progression is rapidly.
As I said, they put again imbruvica and rump up 100 mg of venetoclax. And will put all the labels ok.
My question is if when he became to de 400 mg it’s possible to put off imbruvica? Or not? They also told when relapsed with imbruvica alone, they said they will add Rituximab to venetoclax.
And very sad, I don’t know if venetoclax 400 mg will be a solution for this problem
All your knowledge and experiences are very welcome.