If you have CLL you need a CLL specialist. I have two and this month I am starting on Gayza only because I did FCR in 2009 and chemo pill in 2017 but could not tolerate it. My doctors told me to do the Gayza for 4- 6 months and hopefully my blood will be better but to continue living I will need chemos pills. they have a new one without all the side effect but have no idea if I could tolerate the new one. I will also need assistance as the drugs are expensive but now that I am in the poverty income I might get them.. Good luck the pills are better than intravenous drugs. Gayza I do not believe is a chemo drug according to my two doctors. It is a new form of Rituximab
(the R in FCR).
Medication Description Rituximab, sold under the brand name Rituxan among others, is a medication used to treat certain autoimmune diseases and types of cancer. I been told Rituxan new name is Obinutvzumab (3rd generation) and without chemo will not cure CLL but might get you into a quick remission.
My last blood test my doctor were afraid to send me home it was so bad. WBC was 188.56, RBC was 2.97, Hemoglobin 9.2 , neutros 3% , lymphs 97% Lymphs, ABS is now at 182.90 last year it was 11 so it has gone up a lot which is a bad sign also unmutated. join patient power for more information. lympy nodes now 3cm by 2 cm (was 1X1 cm) spleen is also 3 cm larger and its it hard to eat.
Hang in there I should have been dead years ago in fact got over Pneumonia in April large spot on my lungs. The doctor did not tell me until I was ok never even went to the hospital. I did have to fight it for 5 - months until they got me to a lung doctor who waited until I cough so up and tested it.
just enjoy everyday my goal is to take at least one more trip or vacation its been 2 years and have not felt good enough to go away. Maybe in 6 month this Gayza will give me a year! if not no big deal but if yes great!