I finished BR in May and the doctors at both OSU and Cleveland Clinic say I did "spectacular". My numbers are perfect. I'm having a full body scan today at Cleveland Clinic to see if there is anything still enlarged inside. The dr says that sometimes people can have great numbers but still have issues with lymph nodes inside that they cant feel. They say they want to make sure that they catch it ASAP once I relapse. Both OSU and the clinic said that I didnt need to do a bone aspiration. Dr said that they will monitor blood every 3 months and so CAT scans every 6 months.
Im just really hoping everything is out of there for now. I am 11q and CD38+ so I hope I can get a good remission for a little bit at least. OSU says that as soon as they see the relapse, they will but me on Ibrutinib first but would also look at CAR T and the possibly a stem cell transplant. Im only 46 and OSU says that because other than the fact that I have CLL, Im healthy (that sounds so weird when they say that).
I guess I will see what the scans say and go from there...Im hoping for the best!