Given that lately more members are including their email addresses in their submissions, I thought I'd explain why this community's admins will delete your email addresses when you post them. Basically it's for your safety!
Each post to this community is either visible to everyone on the internet (the default) or when there's a padlock icon present to the right of the title, to just the followers of this community (i.e. 3,100+ members).
It is very unwise to enter your email address on any internet forum. That's because there are automated programs (called robots) that search out email addresses for sale to email spammers. (Email addresses are easy to spot - the robot just looks for any text of the form
A few years back I was shocked to see that a corporate email spam filter delivered under 10% of the emails received - the rest were spam/junk emails! Your email provider likewise filters your email so you only see a small percentage of the junk emails addressed to you - those emails that the filtering program isn't quite certain about. New and cleverly written spam still gets through and then you are at risk of having your computer infected by malware.
A new form of malware is becoming far more dangerous and far reaching in its ability to hurt you badly. It's called ransomware and the latest versions silently work through your computer, encrypting your personal files before finally asking you to pay several hundred dollars for the secret password to restore your files. The newer versions seek out any back-up drives connected to your computer and even your cloud storage files, so you really don't want share your email address world wide!
You may think that you'd be safe including your email address in a locked post, but that's not the case if you mention your email within a couple of sentences of your post. While your username is hidden, the first few lines of your post are still searchable via Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc, and if your email address is there, it can be captured for abuse.
For more on how you can protect yourself online, please read our community's posting guidelines and security tips:
How to Send and View Private Messages: