Free for All on Friday: Good morning and... - Care Community

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Free for All on Friday

19 Replies

Good morning and welcome to another free for all on Friday, the day on which you can freely post off-topic any way you wish, so long as you remain within our guidelines.

Welcoming members who have joined us this week. Hope to hear from you soon!

Thanks to those of you who took part in this week's poll. It's always interesting to get some joint views on how you are feeling on a particular topic and I think we can safely say that those who took time out to vote feel very strongly that more easily accessed medical help is vital.

I can only agree and it's quite obvious that, just as most of us feel failed by medical services at the moment, this is amplified for carers who often have the most awful trouble in getting that extra help they need. Quite often it's through something simple, like receptionists not understanding the need, or giving thought to those who are really struggling on behalf of those they care for. For anyone who is desperate then please lean heavily on the 111 phone service. In the past it's been fairly hopeless, but it can and does at least intervene on your behalf and prioritise your call for help. Many people don't know that it has the power to instruct your GP surgery to have you seen within a specific number of hours if necessary, or to pass you on to other medical help.

I particularly wanted to flag up one response on the topic of the poll. It was made as a reply to my post entitled 'Latest Poll' and came from 'mjtogether'. She called her response a 'rant' and it was certainly spirited, but managed to sum up the whole frustration and emotion of being a carer to someone you love. I can't pin it as it was a response not a question, but it's well worth reading and thank you 'mjtogether'.

Not much space to mention my week, as I've gone on rather long-windedly already, but let's just say it's been OK and quite pleasant. And I hope yours has been too! How was it for you?

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19 Replies

Good morning sue we are going in town for fish n chips today with mam's great granddaughter we asked her if she wants to see the model large moon in the big church she said yes she's all grown up now 13 but still comes to my mam's for tea every Friday, yesterday we had my nephews children down and we went in park picking brambles and conquers I'll take a photo in church of the moon we did few years ago when it was there, we managed to get to d I y shop on mam's electric bike and I used her old push bike bit stiff pedaling but ok, had job interview yesterday but never got it was lot of people been interviewed I'll post you my fish n chips to make your mouth water lol pixie sends his best wishes to kaiser pixies ok just tired hope you have good weekend 🤗😺and some sun which I need 🌄last need he fell asleep on my feet as I was charging phone lol bless 😺

in reply to

That sound like a lovely day out Mandy, and a nice one yesterday too, having fun. I see that Pixie's sleeping soundly and Kasar is doing much the same thing, right behind me. It's funny how he trails around after me, falling asleep wherever I am in the apartment and he's currently right behind me chilling out! Enjoy your day and your fish and chips!

in reply to

Thanks sue I'll definitely make you jealous later by posting my fish n chips lol 😁🤗😺

in reply to

Lol 👍👍👍

sassy59 profile image

Good morning Callendersgal, thank you for the poll you put up, it was very interesting. It can be very tough being a carer especially now with not much access to medical help. I agree that 111 needs to be used if necessary. I’ll try and check out mjtogether’s reply. We’ve had a pleasant week too and have had our new carpet fitted downstairs, up the stairs and on the landing. It looks very nice. Glad you’ve had a good week too.

Wishing everyone a great weekend. Take care all. Xxxx👍☀️🌹🌻😎😀😺

in reply to sassy59

Great news that the carpet's been fitted sassy59 and glad you are pleased with it. It's lovely how a new carpet or piece of furniture you wanted can lift a whole room or space. Take care and have a great weekend yourselves! xx💖👍😊🔆🌸

Sara_2611 profile image

Its been so so -ive been able to walk round sainsburys without landing myself in hospital with a low oxygen count

in reply to Sara_2611

Sometimes even the small things are triumphs Sara_2611! Good for you!

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to


in reply to Sara_2611

Thats a great achievement!

Well done!

Sara_2611 profile image
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Isinatra profile image

Hello! Self carer here. I had to chastise myself for overdoing it this past week. My kitchen received a new white paint job and I just had to give it a long overdue deep clean. I still have the floor to do, but tomorrow is another day as Scarlet O’Hara said. I’m rested up now, so onward for some food shopping today. Hoping the heat stays tolerable. I’m going to take a break from house stuff and start a new coloring project. It keeps me on my backside for awhile, which is necessary because I tend to overdo it when I feel good. Tonight, I’ll watch my second favorite show of humor if I can stay awake until then. Today should be a good day. And a good day to all.

in reply to Isinatra

Wonderful Isinatra! It's just as important to look after yourself while you can, and sometimes, if you live alone, that too can prove challenging. I think we should all look after ourselves to the extent of putting measures into place which will help us, either to always remain independent, or in case others need to take over on our behalf. Things like making a Lasting Power of Attorney and Last Will and Testament. Making known what we'd like to happen to our earthly remains after death and dealing with the finances concerned with that, can all help those who may be destined to become our carers.But, on a lighter note, happy to hear you are finding a good balance between the chores and your leisure time. It's so important for our well being to have hobbies and interests, and colouring is a lovely relaxing pastime, as are our favourite movies and TV shows. So enjoy yourself Isinatra and wishing you a happy and contented weekend.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to


You would think you were asking for a favour from the queen nowadays when you ask for help with medical care!

Had my interviews on Tuesday and Thursday and didn't get those jobs but I feel it's a blessing in disguise as they were only temporary anyway.

Today I have been to the lido and had a full day out and I have really enjoyed myself as well and managed to survive going on a full bus yesterday on the way home from Newport and got the train today to and from pontypridd which was fine but it gets depressing having to wear those masks though!

Staying in this weekend as we don't think going out is worth it and would rather have some peace and quiet.

Peace and quiet can be just what's needed sometimes!

BrentW profile image

Hi Callendersgal. I like free-for-all Fridays. That I haven't posted for a while is because I have been honing my skills with online watercolour courses. I hope to be back soon. Meanwhile, dare I ask how my book went down?

Hi BrentW and I'm glad you like Free for All Fridays! I think it helps to bond people as a group and by trying to contain off-topics to one day a week, it assists in making sure our main focus is care. I have certainly been missing your art posts but of course do understand your want and need for honing your skills. (No honing ever goes to waste!). Oh I'm so sorry, I thought I had sent a message to say that I really enjoyed your book. There was so much in there which I could relate to, that it was like having a chat with an old friend from your home town. Lovely!

BrentW profile image
BrentW in reply to

I am glad you enjoyed it, Callendersgal. I re-read it occasionally to remind myself of my early Caribbean days.

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