Free for All on Friday: Hello everyone... - Care Community

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Free for All on Friday

โ€ข41 Replies

Hello everyone,

Friday's dawned as grey as steel today and I had to pinch myself to remember this is the height of summer. There's a frisson of dismay too, thinking that this is our last real summer month and next month the autumn evenings will start to encroach again. But, one day at a time!

A warm welcome to our new members for this week. We are a quiet group but we are out there for you if you need some help or advice, or just want to pitch in for some companionship if you are lonely in your carer's role. Caring is a huge challenge and one which can be isolating as well as frustrating, but we aim to be here for you.

It being Friday it's our day for posts on any topic you like, just so long as it falls within our few community guidelines.

May I start today by sending a shout out to secrets 22! It's just come to my attention that this long standing and loyal member has had a fall and badly hurt his shoulder. Wishing you all the best 'secrets' and I hope that you'll be in less pain soon.

I've had a big disappointment this week in learning that what, pre-covid19 was the mainstay of my social life, won't be returning. For some years I was a member of a group of local Scottish country dancers and we met weekly to dance, chat, drink tea and generally be sociable. Because of the pandemic we had to stop, have now lost our hall, and with rising prices, cannot afford another easily without attracting many more members than we'd be able to do. So it's folded.

Throughout the pandemic I'd held on to the thought of seeing all my friends again and being able to take a form of exercise which I've really enjoyed for so long. Suddenly I feel quite bereft and not sure how I'll fill the gap! Maybe when other things start to open up again, something will emerge which appeals.

Does anyone else remember the night classes which were often held in local schools and which I attended for so many courses over the years, - pottery, art, writing and yoga to name a few, but now when I look, it's all held within higher education establishments, miles away and costing hundreds of pounds for a few weeks of tuition.

I hope that everyone has had a good week so far. Let us know, and if if it wasn't so good, and you need cheering up, let us know and we'll see what we can do to help!

41 Replies
FredaE profile image

those classes were started by local people........back to the past!

โ€ข in reply toFredaE

You're right FredaE. I seem to remember their being organised and subsidised by local authorities and they were always so popular. Even if someone wrote to a newspaper or magazine 'agony aunt' because a romance was over, they were sure to be recommended a night class or two to mend their broken hearts! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

secrets22 profile image

awww thankyou so much for giving a shout out to me as yes,i am in the most dreadful pain and nothing seems to relieve it.Interesting you mention pre covid as my social life has now petered out alarmingly,the things i used to belong to have been much reduced and some things will never return as before.It appears that Covid has changed us all,and not always for the better,the friends i used to see have dwindled somewhat,and some i doubt i will see at all.

Its all very sad really,but thats how the cookie crumbles.

Wishing you and all the members a big hug.xx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59โ€ข in reply tosecrets22

Hugs back to you secrets ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค—

sassy59 profile image

A very blustery day here Callendersgal, rain too at first but the sun is now out๐ŸŒคIโ€™m hoping for good weather sometime this month if only for the poor parents pulling their hair out trying to entertain the children.

Always lovely to hear from everyone and new members are very welcome.

So sorry to hear about secrets22 and wishing him a really good recovery. It sounds really painful. Thinking of you โ€˜secrets.โ€™

Oh what a shame about your Scottish country dancing. I know it meant a lot to you, such a sociable thing to do. I hope it can start up again somehow. Can you meet up with some of the friends you made? If only for a coffee and chat? Good luck anyway.

I recall doing shorthand at night school and it was held at a school. Not expensive at all. Itโ€™s all too much now.

Itโ€™s not been a bad week. Iโ€™m officially pre diabetic so need to keep that in check. We celebrated our son-in-laws birthday yesterday and enjoyed pizza and cake with family. I only tasted the cake I hasten to add๐Ÿ˜€Keeping busy organising painting of dining room plus new carpet and furniture. It will look nice when finished.

Have a great weekend everyone and hope we all enjoy some sunshine. Xxxx๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒป

โ€ข in reply tosassy59

Thats it though when blows like the loss of the Scottish dancing group happen at the time it can feel like the world has ended!

It's windy here today and threatening rain so decided to stay in and carry on watching old eastenders episodes from 1997.

โ€ข in reply tosassy59

Hi sassy59, You just reminded me that, yes, of course I did RSA's too at night school and that's where I got my typing qualifications. (There's a blast from the past). I hope you are doing OK with your pre-diabetes. It's a difficult journey I know but better if you can get a grip of things now, so that it doesn't progress.

Glad the refurb of the dining room's keeping you busy and happy. You will be so pleased when it's done!

Well I'm trying to be philosophical about the dancing. We have plans to meet up for a lunch soon so I hope that will come to fruition. Sometimes these things work out and sometimes things just drift, so I'll hope for the best but start looking for something else of interest that will take me out of the house now and again.

Enjoy your weekend too and let's hope the weather will deign to cheer up a bit soon! xx๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ”†โ˜”๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š

sassy59 profile image
sassy59โ€ข in reply to

I used to love touch typing and miss that really. I will get a hold on things before they spiral out of control and have found lots of info online.

Good luck with the dancing. Hopefully something will work out.

Have a lovely weekend. Xxx๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒธ

Byron2020 profile image
Byron2020โ€ข in reply to

Showing your age Callendersgal ๐Ÿ˜‚xx

โ€ข in reply toByron2020

Lol, Iโ€™m afraid I am Byron2020! ๐Ÿ˜„

I bet you were gutted when you found out the Scottish dancing group wouldn't be coming back as its one of those things thats important to you personally and when blows like that happen it feels like the world has ended!

Yes I remember the night classes and did lots of those years ago like RSA courses and gained some qualifications that can't be taken away from me.

I remember back in March 2020 when all this was first kicking off and it had been a Thursday and everything went wrong and a trip to the Saatchi gallery was cancelled and myself and 2 other students had turned up to the Welsh class and had ended up sent home early which was a right disappointment!

Tomorrow in Wales nightclubs will be reopening and table service at pubs will be stopped but face masks on buses and trains and in shops are here to stay for now.

For me personally what is here to stay is that I will never take anything for granted again and also cooking at home from scratch will be staying.

This week I enjoyed a day out in Barry Island and had interviews on Monday and Wednesday and been watching old episodes of eastenders from 1997 yesterday and today.

โ€ข in reply to

It was a huge disappointment Catgirl1976 but luckily I am a very 'what will be, will be', sort of person, so now I'm trying to look forward and not back. Those lessons from the pandemic are good ones and will stand you in great stead. It would do us all good to look at things from that perspective. The cooking from scratch is a great habit, and it's great fun too, if you allow it to be. I'm glad to hear that the job interviews are continuing and great to hear that you had a nice day out at Barry Island. Sounds as if it was a quite busy week! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’–

โ€ข in reply to

I'm busy next week as well interviewing and they are nice and early so then the rest of the day is mine afterwards rather than having to wait around until 4 like what happened the other week when the internet went down and I had been in tears of frustration!

Now time has gone by looking back at that I feel when that happened it was a blessing in disguise as it was only a temporary job and the wages weren't very good but when it didn't happen it had felt like the world had ended!

I didn't get a job I went for last Thursday but I wasn't heartbroken over it as it was only part time but all interviews are great experience to go through and no one else did either as its been put back on the job board and readvertised.

Hi Sue sorry your dancing hall has closed maby a local church hall or some other venue could be set up, I have started swimming again on outskirts of hull my nephews wife takes me and her 2 children as no one hardly goes whereas in hull there are all full and ques with children been off I find great comfort in swimming I'm not sure if this is something you could consider they do dance exercise to music in some places too, ๐Ÿค”just a thought, my mam doesn't go now as she worries about her heart and she has bad hip knee back as well as thumbs, but she gets exercise on her electric bike I can't get one as no one has the small wheeled ones as been popular and delays with COVId and ship delays, I will keep trying, I don't walk much now as I have bad knees and from over doing it seem to have torn ligaments in my thumb joints did too much garden work so I'm taking it easy shan't be moving any heavy pots for a while but I get great joy every time I see this display as I walk down the steps I made I hope you find a suitable exercise that gives you socialising too ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜บclick to see full I just moved the hanging planter to match I hope these flowers will cheer everyone reading up excuse chair it's got washing on its out in rain now lol ๐Ÿ˜oh it's my birthday 57 on the glorious 12th I'm certainly feeling it some days but swimming is a good all round exercise for most of us ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŠ

Hellebelle profile image
Hellebelleโ€ข in reply to

Beautiful display. It really does cheer you up to see colourful flowers. It's great that you are getting enjoyment out of swimming. I have arthritis and I really do think going swimming most days has helped to keep me mobile. It's a fantastic exercise for people with joint problems. xxx

โ€ข in reply toHellebelle

Hi hellebelle yes maby it's just my old repetitive strain injury I set off on my thumb as certainly felt bit better after swim although only did breast stroke the back physio showed mam some exercises for her arthritis thumbs I think keeping them ridgid does make them seize up more, as for my knee I have damaged cartilage for kneeling on wood etc DIY when younger and when it's hurting I tend to put more pressure on the right and my cat pixie bless had been rubbing his head on that knee hard so I think he made that worst and I have cut down on running up down stairs I'm worried may need bungalow one day as couldn't get down without pain mam has been walking down hers backwards I think.she will need chair lift one day same as her nebour has just got and he's got a shower with seat his sons disabled after a stroke too, my dad did really well on strange steep stairs that had a bend he ended up sleeping downstairs but had toilet downstairs, a couple of houses sold this year due to people needing bungalows this is something I'm really thinking of now as I'm.doing my house up I won't spend too much as think will definitely move in the future, I love the park outlook and been close to nature, have you seen the new site health walk they put nice photos on you may like, my mam managed to make a nice arch feature next to her pond which we did together for her climbing rose here's my garden ๐Ÿค—take care I'm glad your able to swim I'll be going more to the one near my house when it's not so busy here's my garden and the budhlia tree butterfly xx

In my garden
โ€ข in reply toHellebelle

My garden click to see full

โ€ข in reply toHellebelle

I really enjoyed going back swimming last week when we went to the lido ponty outdoor pool!

Isinatra profile image
Isinatraโ€ข in reply to

Lovely work, Mandy. As always. Sorry to hear those green thumbs are out of commission. Good suggestion to seek out churches for the dancing. They help a lot for good causes. And happy birthday to my fellow Leo โ™Œ๏ธ. โค๏ธ

โ€ข in reply toIsinatra

Lovely to hear I posted on drink free today to say of my success I am.sure you will have look, thank you again for your kind support and happy birthday to you my fellow Leo I'll have to wish rachiminonof it too don't forget as im.not on healthy eating now, can never get her name right the swimming certainly gives you apetite tho but so good to relax and release the happy feel good hormone I can't wait to go more, I remember last year before lockdown when I was so stressed about my house situation and living at mam's then I used to go swimming and it was my sanctuary the pool where iive has glass roof on one room and tropical false plants but I used to go more in the big baby pool lol as empty but I built my confidence up and sometimes went to the other pool in the deep end I liked the challenge and succeeding and that's how I feel about been back in control of the drinking i hope I can help some people on there I hope your well ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’๐ŸŠ๐Ÿงกhere's our darling

My sister painted this for my birthday ๐Ÿ˜
Hellebelle profile image
Hellebelleโ€ข in reply to

What a beautiful painting your sister is very talented. I hope you have a great weekend.

โ€ข in reply toHellebelle

Thanks you too ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜บ

โ€ข in reply to

No show without prince Pixie!

โ€ข in reply to

Hi cat here's pixie just now he's had chicken and won't stop meowing for more watching soaps soon have a good night hope baby's ok ๐Ÿ˜บ๐Ÿค—

โ€ข in reply to

Baby is fine and received salmon on Monday for her weekly treat!

Today has been a quiet day here with a walk out and watching eastenders from 1997.

โ€ข in reply toIsinatra

Oh have you still got your green toe nails speaking of green thumbs lol xx

Isinatra profile image
Isinatraโ€ข in reply to

Lol yes, my green toes are still hanging in there. ๐Ÿ’š Iโ€™ll check the other community for your comments. Iโ€™m so glad youโ€™re swimming again and itโ€™s helping you. The pool sounds lovely. Thank you for the handsome pic of Sir Pixie. And my goodness! You should think of picking up a paint brush again!

โ€ข in reply toIsinatra

Actually I did pick.up.a paint brush then a sponge roar thought easier for my Paintwork the tin has been waiting to be opened for about a week I don't like doing the skertings etc as of the smell but the shop man said as I asked for odour free they are all odour free so I got the one that's soposed to stay white, have you checked the new site out yet health walk I have told Rach, I may post one day saw some lovely baby swans and chicks I'll see if can show you ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿงกhow sweet I saw these few weeks ago on a park walk

sassy59 profile image
sassy59โ€ข in reply to

Beautiful thank you and happy birthday on the 12th. Xx๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒน

โ€ข in reply tosassy59

Hi hope your well thanks so much very kind of you ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜บif you look just above there's a painting my sister did for me of pixie she is a arts n crafts adult education teacher xxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59โ€ข in reply to

Your sister is very talented. Great painting. Take care and be well. Xx๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•

โ€ข in reply tosassy59

Thanks you too I also paint well used to here's a old one xxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59โ€ข in reply to

Very impressive. I canโ€™t paint at all but admire those who can. Xxx๐Ÿ‘โค๏ธ

Hellebelle profile image

Hi Callendersgal,I am so sorry about the loss of your dancing class. It must be so disappointing for you. I also remember the adult education and leisure classes. I went to lots of different classes such as pottery, car maintenance and painting. They were subsidised by the local authority so were really affordable. Alas, that has all gone and I know what you mean about many classes being too expensive.

I have joined a group for the over 50s called "restless" which you might be interested in. The website has links to online classes and articles on activities and ideas for keeping you happy and healthy. It's free to join and you don't get bombarded with unwanted emails. The address is

Otherwise, lets hope the weather improves so that we can all get out and about more.

โ€ข in reply toHellebelle

Oh that sounds good Hellebelle. I will definitely check it out! Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

Jennymary profile image

Sorry to read your Country Dancing has come to an end, I hope you manage to fill the gap in your life as more activities start up again

I had my T scores from my recent DEXA scan come through earlier this week, lots worse than they were 2 yrs ago, posted them on another forum, the make of machine can make a difference, mine were done on 2 different machines so it may not be that bad, so going to ring the ROS when I can to try and get some answers, then contact GP to see what I can do next. On a brighter note I set up my fundraising page (you know the one) a couple of weeks ago in preparation for my 10k walk in September, already had some donations, in the next week or two I'll put posters up in work as well ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ญ

โ€ข in reply toJennymary

Thanks Jennymary! Iโ€™ll certainly be trying hard to find something that suits!

Well hereโ€™s hoping you are right about the two machines making a difference in your DEXA scan but if course itโ€™s important to follow up and see what can be done next.

Fantastic news about the fundraising page. I was thinking you were well in advance of the walk but itโ€™s really actually not that long is it? ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š

Jennymary profile image
Jennymaryโ€ข in reply to

No it's on September 19, ordered the tether yesterday from RNIB, Alzheimerโ€™s will supply me with a T shirt, now trying to sort out a bib saying visually impaired

โ€ข in reply toJennymary

Sounds like it's all systems go Jennymary and I'm sure I speak for us all when I say I'm really 'rooting' for you! It all sounds really exciting!

Sara_2611 profile image

At least we cant say we ve not had a decent summer

Byron2020 profile image

Hi Callendersgal, Thank you for sharing your past and bringing up that the night's will be drawing in soon. You must have enjoyed yourself like a lot of people did in those days a blast from the past as we say . X

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