Hello everyone,
Friday's dawned as grey as steel today and I had to pinch myself to remember this is the height of summer. There's a frisson of dismay too, thinking that this is our last real summer month and next month the autumn evenings will start to encroach again. But, one day at a time!
A warm welcome to our new members for this week. We are a quiet group but we are out there for you if you need some help or advice, or just want to pitch in for some companionship if you are lonely in your carer's role. Caring is a huge challenge and one which can be isolating as well as frustrating, but we aim to be here for you.
It being Friday it's our day for posts on any topic you like, just so long as it falls within our few community guidelines.
May I start today by sending a shout out to secrets 22! It's just come to my attention that this long standing and loyal member has had a fall and badly hurt his shoulder. Wishing you all the best 'secrets' and I hope that you'll be in less pain soon.
I've had a big disappointment this week in learning that what, pre-covid19 was the mainstay of my social life, won't be returning. For some years I was a member of a group of local Scottish country dancers and we met weekly to dance, chat, drink tea and generally be sociable. Because of the pandemic we had to stop, have now lost our hall, and with rising prices, cannot afford another easily without attracting many more members than we'd be able to do. So it's folded.
Throughout the pandemic I'd held on to the thought of seeing all my friends again and being able to take a form of exercise which I've really enjoyed for so long. Suddenly I feel quite bereft and not sure how I'll fill the gap! Maybe when other things start to open up again, something will emerge which appeals.
Does anyone else remember the night classes which were often held in local schools and which I attended for so many courses over the years, - pottery, art, writing and yoga to name a few, but now when I look, it's all held within higher education establishments, miles away and costing hundreds of pounds for a few weeks of tuition.
I hope that everyone has had a good week so far. Let us know, and if if it wasn't so good, and you need cheering up, let us know and we'll see what we can do to help!