Free for All on Friday: Good morning everyone... - Care Community

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Free for All on Friday

24 Replies

Good morning everyone, and I hope the sun's shining where you are, as it is here, and the world's looking a little more cheerful than for the last couple of days.

Just to welcome those people who have joined our community this week and to remind you that today's the day for your off-topic posts, if you'd like.

Tell us about your week and what you've been up to, or anything else you like, but please just remember to keep things within our community guidelines.

To all those (and there must be many), who are excited about the England/Italy Euro final match, wishing your team the very best of luck, whichever side you are supporting.

As I've already declared it's not really my thing, so I'll probably find myself a quiet corner, (if I can), and do something I enjoy, but of course I wish for a decisive outcome and I will be 'popping into' the game to see who is ahead, from time to time.

Otherwise, whatever you are doing, I hope you will find some moments of relaxation and pleasure over the weekend.

Take care everyone, and stay safe.

24 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Hi Callendersgal, we have sunshine but I’m not in a sunny mood. Sainsbury’s just randomly cancelled our order, no apology or explanation. Pete rang customer services and was told they had no drivers! We were offered a delivery for tomorrow evening but have decided to go shopping elsewhere today. I’m just not impressed.

We’ve had a good week though on the whole. Had lunch with our daughter and youngest grandson at a local garden centre which was lovely. I still can’t quite believe the 19th is actually going to happen though.

Good luck to England on Sunday. I may dip in and out of the game and certainly hope we win.

Have a lovely weekend one and all. Take care everyone. Xxxx💜💜

in reply to sassy59

That's truly shocking sassy59. What dreadful customer service! I had no idea such a thing could happen unless it was in the direst of emergencies! Because of course you'd be relying on getting it. What if there was something really essential in there which you really needed to have right now, and couldn't get out to get it? No drivers is the poorest of excuses!

I was just singing the praises of garden centres with someone else! I love 'em and they always seem to have the best of cafes and enjoyable foods and sweet treats so I'm glad that was such an enjoyable time for you.

Like you I'm most confused about the 19th July! I'm not even sure what's going to happen and whether it should to be honest but let's wait and see how things pan out. As we know from previously, anything can happen and at the last moment too.

Enjoy your weekend, once you recover from the Sainsburys fiasco. I can even feel one of my famous 'we are not amused' letters coming on, on your behalf.... 🤣🤣

I hope that after this low point, the weekend will start looking up! xxx🌈🔆😊👍🙏

in reply to

I remember back in 2010 when our Christmas delivery with Tesco was cancelled due to the snow and what we did was rang them to rearrange for non urgent things for another day and went out and got the urgent things ourselves but for those who are housebound that would have felt like the end of the world.

In regard to July 19th I'm not going to upset myself by getting my hopes up.

Yes I like the garden centres as well!

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to

Thank you for noting those who are house bound would have been in dire straights without delivery and now there is no back up to turn to like there was during the lockdown. I think the supermarkets should have a better way to define the disabled and housebound than just a government list to do with the pandemic definition. I cannot carry my shopping or walk with large amounts anymore the pandemic just added to my risks due to a lung condition. But I remain disabled & older and hope Sainsburys don't cancel my delivery and leave me without food due to a computer definition from the government or say there are no drivers.

in reply to katieoxo60

Thats it isn't it disabled isn't just to do with being in a wheelchair and it can be to do with chronic illness as well.

Even though I was angry back in 2010 when that delivery was cancelled due to that heavy snow I was thankful that we were able to wait for some of the items and physically able to get the urgent ones ourselves whereas disabled people who are reliant on those services aren't physically able to do so and it's yet another example of the disabled having an office door slammed shut in their faces when deliveries are cancelled for no good reason and rearranging isn't the point they said that date and time for a reason and they are reliant on things being delivered at the booked time and when it's cancelled at the last minute and supplies are short then it must feel like a real smack in the face!

With regard to places that fail to consider the disabled where there's no sense there's no feeling either!

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to

Your last words are very true. These supermarkets are there to make money, we pay for delivery and many of us need help to put away items so need the time allocated especially for our helpers. whom we may be having to pay for too. This is not the drivers fault, its the decision makers at the companies. Disability is not just wheelchair bound as you say. Ever tried carrying a basket with a pair of crutches for example or where your heart or lungs don't work. Thank you for seeing the other side of the coin. I can't even get up and down the steps to my front door as do many people in blocks of flats who get deliveries left at the bottom of the stairs.

Jennymary profile image
Jennymary in reply to sassy59

Sorry to read about your shop being cancelled, you'd have thought Sainsburys could have at least emailed you to say they'd be unable to deliver when they should and offer you an alternative day and or time, but pleased you had a nice time with your daughter and youngest grandson

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Jennymary

Thank you Jennymary, I’ve calmed down now and hope all has returned to normality at Sainsbury’s for next weeks delivery. Take care. Xxxxx

in reply to sassy59

Thats not fair is it them cancelling your order like that!

A few years back we had ordered a delivery from Morrison's for 7pm and it didn't arrive until after 10pm and I had rung customer service and shouted down the phone at them when they tried to fob me off as they were very rude!

Can't you wait in they had asked me and I had shouted no I couldnt as I had better things to do than sit around waiting for them all night and I had slammed the phone down on them!

The driver to be fair did apologise for being late when he arrived and had agreed that the customer service staff had a rude attitude!

Thankfully with us it's just for things like squash and tins we use the delivery for but say they did that to someone disabled then that's not on!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

I’m waiting to hear from them Catgirl. Can’t wait to hear what they have to say. I’m not a fan of any supermarket really but they’re a necessity. Xxx

in reply to sassy59

We find Tesco's are pretty reliable with the deliveries and Asdas when we have used them as well!

Morrisons delivery used to be OK but nowadays they have gone to the dogs so we don't use them now!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Thank you Catgirl I’ll try and find someone else perhaps. Xxxx

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to sassy59

Sorry to hear that Sainsburys have been so uncaring about their deliveries. Glad to hear you enjoyed your day with the grandchild and daughter. I had a similar day out with freinds recently the first one in many months, be a few more months before I can go again due to accident, but at least we have the memories to savour till next time. Will be keeping up with the foot ball and hopeing England wins but it is the two best teams playing so it could be anyones win. Enjoy your weekend both xxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to katieoxo60

Thank you Katie, I’m waiting to hear from Sainsbury’s as they’re looking into what happened. It’s great to get out and I’m hoping your bones are healing well. I’m thinking of you. Enjoy the football and your weekend. I’m hoping England will win.

Take care xxxx

sassy59 profile image

That’s just how I felt, no going that extra mile for a customer. I have emailed a complaint and we won’t be shopping there today.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy whatever you do. Take care and thank you for being so supportive. 🙏🏻 🌸😃

in reply to sassy59

Thing is its not nice when you have put down for a delivery at a certain date and time and are relying on it and are running low on supplies and then last minute it's cancelled as you have a good reason to have a weekly delivery due to Pete's condition whereas we have them bi weekly to stock up on tins and squash and for us if things that aren't urgent don't come we go without but lots of others aren't so fortunate and when things like that happen for the housebound and disabled it can feel like a right smack in the face and like the world has ended.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

I agree Catgirl but hopefully we will hear from Sainsbury’s very soon. It just seemed such an odd thing to do. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Thank you for your reply. Xxxx

Hi Sue, lovely post again wish I could convert you into a football fan but it's not for everyone but I know you will be rooting for England in your quiet corner . Whatever you do I hope you have a lovely weekend with family rain or shine . Clive X 🤗

in reply to

Thank you Clive! Sorry about the football. But I know you'll enjoy it to the max, and of course I do wish England well. Likewise Clive I hope you have a great weekend, and first and foremost, enjoy the game! x

Jennymary profile image

I've had a, very mixed week, Tuesday I met my cousin for coffee as I had some pictures to give him, he brought with him dated 1913 what would be our grandmother's school certificates, but he also brought, and gave me, a picture of my parents on their wedding day, so that was emotional

Wednesday I had a hospital appt about my back, to say it was a waste of time would be an understatement, the consultant isn't keen on helping me as I won't take any of the osteoporosis drugs they offer but what has really thrown me is that following the standard back X Ray a couple of months ago which has shown I've had a compression fracture, I've got a copy of the report here and it clearly states that, but consultant doesn't think I've fractured he thinks it's a, disc problem, he, also said I've got scoliosis, so I left the hospital totally confused and he's not given me any advice on what to do

Yes, I'll be watching the football on Sunday

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Jennymary

Lovely for you to meet up with your cousin Jennymary but not so good to hear about your hospital appointment. Can you get a second opinion. Things need clarifying I feel. Xxxx

in reply to Jennymary

Hi Jennymary, that was a bitter-sweet meet up with your cousin. Old photos and music from the past always stir up emotions for me. The wedding picture of your parents must be very precious.

Sorry to hear about your experience at your hospital appointment. I remember you told us previously you didn't want to take medication for osteoporosis and one of my sisters has had the same experience with their trying to insist but she's determined as they can be quite damaging. And then a shock change in diagnosis without any indication of what comes next is really frustrating and a lot of time wasted. I hope you won't give up with discovering what the truth of it all is.

If nothing else, I hope you enjoy the game on Sunday evening!

My week has been busy and emotional.

Firstly I wrote to the line manager at my old job and had thanked her for having bullied me and had told her she had accidentally done me a favour in getting me out of a place that wasn't meant for me but still there was no excuse for that kind of behaviour though!

Received bad news regarding a colleague there who I didn't know very well that he has died of liver cancer and he was only 41 as well!

Been busy with interviews this week and had an upset this morning when I got told I hadn't got a position I went for yesterday and how they had offered it to someone internal and I was so upset that I cried and had slammed the phone down on them and had gone for a lunchtime walk and talked it over with a great friend who thinks it should be made illegal to offer jobs unofficially before anyone goes to interview!

I got offered an interview in Newport on Wednesday for next Thursday at 1.20pm and on the invite it said 2022 so I had rung them up to clarify is the interview in 2021 or 2022 and yes it's 2021 and next Thursday up in Newport!

I had nearly laughed down the phone over the typing error!

Baby is well and is better tempered as it has cooled down but it's still humid though.

Hi Catgirl1976, a mixed week indeed and some disappointment too. Well done for continuing to work hard at applying for jobs though. I know it's dispiriting to have all these rejections and once in a while it does hurt extra badly.

But losing a colleague at such a young age does somehow put things in perspective. Jobs are very important but in the bigger scheme of things, not so much. Good luck with your interview in Newport and I'm glad you don't have to wait until 2022!

Glad to hear that Baby is doing ok now the weather's slightly cooler. Kasar too is better tempered but still sleeping more than he does in the winter time.

I hope you have a good weekend!

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