Good morning all, on what looks like a lovely bright October day here. Hope that's true wherever you are reading this too!
It's Friday, so please go ahead and post on any topic you wish, within our Community Guidelines, but not forgetting our primary topic which is all things to do with Care. However, we are a special group of people in that we have a big need for social interaction too, as caring can be so isolating, so here's your chance to get to know our other members and share your wider interests.
I know some of you wonder why there is this special day for off-topic posts, when sometimes there are no others through the weeks, but it's simply to keep some kind of focus on the fact that the number one purpose of this group is to support each other through the problems that arise through caring for someone else. And whilst there is no actual bar on posting off-topic on any day, it is preferred that you do it on Fridays. Thanks for your co-operation in this.
This week I'm just sending a collective hug from us all to secrets22, who, it was revealed, has just lost a much loved pet. I have of course contacted him privately, but I'd just like to send our best wishes and condolences to him. Losing a pet can be every bit as traumatic as losing a human loved one, and I'm so sorry that secrets22 has had this to deal with. And thanks so much to HappySwimmer for flagging it up to us. So dear secrets22, sending you warmest best wishes at this sad time, and I hope that one day in future you'll be left with only the happier memories of the time you spent with your beloved dog, Eddie.
I hope that this weekend will be a happy one for as many of you as possible. Although mine's destined to be very quiet I'm looking forward to that. I've just downloaded some new books to my e-reader, and I foresee a few happy hours lost in a good story. Take care everyone.