Free for All on Friday: Friday's arrived... - Care Community

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Free for All on Friday

26 Replies

Friday's arrived again and here's your chance to post anything you think we may find of interest whether it's on the topic of Care or on any topic whatever, so long as you post within our community guidelines.

Wishing a warm welcome to anyone who has joined the community this week and I hope you'll find something of interest and help here. We'd love to hear from you, so please join in.

My 'show and tell' this Friday is about something I enjoyed doing during the past week, on a lovely summery day.

Hubby and I decided to take the short ferry trip from Southampton's Town Quay, across Southampton Water to Hythe, which is at very edge of the New Forest.

It's just a short trip, about 10 - 15 minutes, but wonderful on a balmy day. The ferry was busy and every passenger chose to sit out at the rear of the boat to enjoy the sights and sounds of Southampton Water. At journey's end a tiny and historic electric 'train' arrives in perfect synchronicity to pick passengers up and deposit them at the other end of the pier, which is the 7th longest in the British Isles. It dates back to the turn of the 19th/20th century and has gone through some hard times, never more so than now when both it and the ferry are struggling to keep going, and many of us are determined not to lose it. That's another reason why we choose to make the journey that way and not by road.

Hythe is an odd little place. It's more than a village and hardly a town, but it supports a few shops, a couple of pubs and some cafes and charity shops. It was market day when we visited and absolutely buzzing, and seems to have survived the pandemic quite well! We had a good mooch around and then had a lunch of fish and chips in the little square before heading back over the water again.

So how about everyone else? Do tell! And do share with us even if your caring duties don't allow for much leisure time, and you are struggling. We like to give support too.

I hope that everyone will enjoy at least some of their weekend and that you remain well and safe. Take care!

Photo: Hythe Pier, Train and Ferry Group

26 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Hi Callendersgal, your ferry trip sounds great. It’s good to support things that are in danger of being lost. Sounds like fun.

I just had an eye test so am awaiting new glasses soon and had a routine chest x-Ray yesterday. Hoping that will be fine.

We were to go to our daughters tomorrow for a bbq but our son in law has a tummy bug so that’s been cancelled. Hoping to see our son and family on Sunday as they’ve been away for a few days in Somerset.

It’s our grandsons 9th birthday on the 17th so fingers crossed everyone stays well for that.

Hope to hear from others as it’s nice to chat.

Take care all. Have a lovely weekend. Xxx💛🍓🌻☀️

in reply to sassy59

I bet you were disappointed when you heard that the BBQ was cancelled.

Perhaps it could be rearranged for another day as something to look forward to.

On Wednesday this week we had hoped for a trip out but that got put off due to an appointment cropping up at short notice that afternoon but it's something that can be booked for another day though so we will rearrange in due course.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Yes but you’re right Catgirl it can be rearranged. We’re hoping to see them all on the 20th for a Bbq then.

Life just happens doesn’t it but it’s ok. Hope you rearrange your trip out soon. Xx

in reply to sassy59

It's only a local one so it can be done another time but I was disappointed though with needing to rearrange but I'm OK now.

in reply to sassy59

Oh it's a shame your BBQ has had to be put off sassy59, but that sounds like the best idea. Spreading tummy trouble around's not a good idea. We've also had to put one off for tomorrow due to hubby working over the weekend, but there's still a lot of summer left so I'm sure we'll both fit in some more before the season's over! 👍😊

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

I’m not too worried Callendersgal, so long as our son in law feels better. Lots of summer left as you say. Enjoy your weekend. Xx🤗👍💖

Early walk out this morning and a cooler and peaceful day today taking a step back from job hunting and interviews as they aren't the be all and end all of life!

I'm glad I have had my second jab on Monday though and we made it into a morning out at the bay which we enjoyed and we had arrived an hour early for the appointment so what we did was take a seat outside the swimming pool over the road and had a drink and a chat whilst waiting rather than going over to the centre demanding to be seen NOW an hour early like what happened a couple of weeks ago with a video interview I was due to have had at 2.30pm.

It had been 1.30pm and we were just sitting down to lunch and the phone had gone and it was them demanding that they were seen NOW and the interview brought forward and I hadn't been ready for then so I had said no I'm not ready dor you now it will have to be the time originally agreed and I had felt really cross which isn't a good start and I had terminated the interview early as they weren't very nice probably because I wouldn't have given them their own way!

Thing is if you are really early to an appointment you sit and wait until they are ready for you and call you in you don't go demanding you are seen NOW!

It's about having respect for people and treating them in the polite manner in which you wish to be treated yourself.

Got some interviews next week and the week after to prepare for so plenty to be doing and signed up with more courses on future learn which I enjoy doing.

Baby is well but very bad tempered due to the heat and is driving us crackers with her meows!

in reply to

Yes, last minute changes give a bit of an indication of how you might be treated in a job Catgirl1976, so maybe it's not such a bad idea to have refused that one!

in reply to

I feel that interviews are a test drive in what a place is like to work at!

Jennymary profile image

Sounds like you had a lovely day out, this morning I went to the market, cherry & almond cake, fruit cake, apple & mincemeat crumble and rhubarb & ginger crumble, also got myself a jar of pear & lemon jam with ginger, as I'm off work this weekend it's a pub lunch with sister on Sunday 😊🍰😎🍾🌷

in reply to Jennymary

There's lovely a pub lunch out!

Jennymary profile image
Jennymary in reply to

Almost by default, I booked Wednesday, 2 days ago, and this weekend as annual leave in case I had a reaction to my 2nd vaccine but I've been fine

in reply to Jennymary

Those goodies sound delicious!

I was tired and had a sore arm on Tuesday after the jab but I'm glad it's done with now.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Jennymary

Glad you’ve not had a reaction to your jab Jennymary, have fun on Sunday. Xxxx

in reply to Jennymary

You are able to get the most amazing things at your Farmer's Market Jennymary. Pear and lemon jam and rhubarb crumble with ginger! Those sound so delicious. I hope you have a brilliant weekend and a lovely lunch with your sister! 👍😊

in reply to

They do sound delicious and I get envious when I hear of those delicious goodies!

How's Kasar coping with the heat and are you getting bad tempered meows off him?

in reply to

Kasar's really lethargic and doesn't know what to do with himself. I'd say he was whinging more than bad tempered. His constant miaowing is driving us potty and what's worse is that he sits besides me and keeps tapping my arm, over and over again. When I ask him what's wrong he just lets out a 'waaaaaahhhhhhhh.' I think he wants me to turn off the heat! 😃. I hope Baby is coping OK!

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to

I puthe fan on the floor for my westie. X

in reply to Lynd

What a really good idea Lynd. I have a small one I could use in the same way, and I know Kasar appreciates the breeze from a fan as he often sits in the airstream of the bedroom one. 👍😊😸

Sara_2611 profile image


Oh wow i cant travel by water it upsets the balance in my ears & makes me ill but your trip really sounds amazing

Im in a talk englsih webinar on saturday morning for 2 hours so should be ok

in reply to Sara_2611

Hope that all goes well Sara_2611!

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to

thanks callendarsgirl

cljones profile image

I have caught a cold. So now I'm having trouble walking even more than usual. I'm dragging both legs, it takes me 10 minutes just to drag myself in to the bathroom using my Walker. I'm hoping once I get over the cold that I'll get back to normal again well not normal but normal for me. I my have to cancel physical therapy tomorrow if my walking doesn't get any better. I think at least my cold is getting a little better.

in reply to cljones

So sorry to hear that cljones. Take extra special care of yourself and it sounds as though it might be necessary to postpone your physical therapy until you feel better. And if there’s any doubt that it’s just a cold, seek some professional advice. Take care and get well soon.

cljones profile image
cljones in reply to

Thanks. I have been mega dosing vitamin c and it is getting better.

in reply to cljones

Glad to hear!👍

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