alchohoic liver disease, any info.... - British Liver Trust

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alchohoic liver disease, any info....

deedee27 profile image
7 Replies

hi i was diagnosed with aloholic liver disease in aug 2012 at the age of 26, i am terrified to ask the doctors questions as am scared of the answer, i knew i drank to much but so did most of my family, i realised how sick i was when i started going yellow and went to hospital were my parents were told it was touch and go but on the plus side i had a strong heart, i had the strongest antibiotic flew down to scotland from england to fight a stomach infection and drained due to ascieties, i was put on steriods for a while which helped and i pulled through but now im left with all this unsurity and fear as when i read these blogs i wander what stage i am at, if it will go away or get worse, i have been bleeding from my back passage and had several blood transfusions due to this as well as nose bleeds as the docs are saying my body is lacking in vitamin k, so i get an injection and am alright for a while and then i start to bleed again, has anyone had a similar experience, some advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks x

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deedee27 profile image
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7 Replies

I am sorry to hear what is happening for you and can understand your uncertainty and anxiety. I think you have two priorities: ask the doctors the questions you need: the answers are much better than the uncertainty; and do everything you can to maximise your health (diet etc). Best wishes.

codie profile image

Sorry to hear this, im surprised your doctor didnt tell you that your alcoholic.

I had all your symtons, and am now alcohol free, asicities is fluid around the liver which can send your liver into failure, luckily you have a chance. Ask your doctor about what ive said. There are support groups eg Alcoholic Anonynomous, your doctor can put you in touch with these, Or check internet for local groups. Im of the booze 5 years and hav a fab life.

Good Luck !!

papataal profile image

Hi, Sorry to hear about your condition, fist thing is you have to look after your self, get off and stay off the booze, try to get a good diet plan working, exercise when you can or at least try to stay active, keep the brain ticking, do not let the worry eat you! You have Got to to have hope.

Also make sure the Doctors ar kept informed and have plenty of questions for them, also keep a track of the meds/supplement you are taking and make sure you take them as prescribed! I'm sure there are time when you have the foggy head syndrome, where you can't think properly or concentrate or even sleep, this is expected, I found that just keeping busy with things kept me some what sane.

I wish you all the best!!

Wineglass profile image

Dear Deedee,

So sorry you are suffering so badly. As the others say you really must get more help from your doctors. Could you take a friend with you to ask questions and give you support?

I joined this site recently and one of the replies from bigsis directed me to It is a very helpful supportive site which might help you with the emotions you are struggling with. But the most important thing is to get some good medical care ASAP.

Wishing you well.

deedee27 profile image

thank you for all the advice, i think the doctors sense my severe anxiety when i go, i have been put to an addictions worker who i hardly ever see and dont find helpful at all, i will try AA support groups, i have got to bring my head out the clouds and face up to this, i dont know if i should take it easy or excercise to build muscle back up as i get tired so easily. i cant seem to lift my depression and keep wandering how this happened, i just hope i find the strength to dig myself out of this. thanks again you have all given me some hope. x

papataal profile image
papataal in reply to deedee27


Keep your head up!! Like I said in my early reply, any physical exercise is good, even if it is a slow relaxing walk, you are probably not going to be able to "work out" but any thing you can manage without risking harm is worth it, for me it was just getting out and taking a very slow walk , it helped physically and mentally, also the old soup can work out(getting muscles working slowly without strain. Your Doc. should be able to advice you on this.

Stay positive!

jenniwren profile image

I agree with everyone else here- make sure you ask the questions you need answers to. If it's easier, write them down as you think of them so you don't forget when you go in or so you can just show the doc if you don't feel you can actually ask. Regarding the bleeding, it can be caused by a low platelet count and this should be monitored with regular blood tests- the vitamin K thing, you can get a daily tablet to help and vitamin K helps with clotting. Keep positive and as papataal has said, even light excersise such as walking can increase the heart rate and release endorphins. The more you do, the more you will want to and feel able to do.

All the best

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