Hi everyone. I recently had a gastroscopy- (I am in the investigating stage of cirrhosis) and they found 3 grade 2 varices during this procedure. My question is would they have banded them then or would they do another gastroscopy to band them if needed? Sorry if this sounds a bit gatbled! Thanks
Banding varices confused!: Hi everyone... - British Liver Trust
Banding varices confused!

They will most likely need to band them. If they didn't give you a report to say they have done already then be prepared for repeat scopes and potential banding. You'll probably need regular repeated scopes for montoring too.
Different hospitals seem to have different procedures. If varices were ever found on my hubbies endoscopy they were banded there and then. He had 42 done in total over 2 years
Did you have sedation for your scope? They'll generally onlt band if your sedated as doing a monitoring scope then a banding requires insertion of two different scopes - camera then banding tool.
Ah thanks very much gosh that's a lot to have done. I did have sedation and the throat spray - I made them laugh cos I said please give me as much as possible! So it wasn't too bad in the end! I've had a blood test and have got an ultrasound on Saturday so perhaps they'll tell me what's needed to be done after these tests have been done. Thank you again for your reply.
I am surprised they left Grade 2 alone without banding there and then but as I said different hospitals do it differently. Did you get a printed report to say what they did do? We always got a print out with details of who did procedure, what level of sedation etc. they used plus all findings and what treatments were done.
My hubby had a massive bleed to start off his liver journey, until he threw up blood we never even knew he was ill. He was never properly put on beta blockers which they will sometimes do for portal hypertension (a locum did put him on Carvedilol but when we went to Edinburgh he was taken off them - the consultant instead going for the aggressive banding regime to eradicate varices).
Hi yes I did get a printed report which said the diagnoses were - oesophagus: 3 grade 2 varices, stomach: erosion, gastritis and portal hypertensive gastropathy - I only had it done 3 weeks ago and I am booked to have an ultrasound in 2 days so maybe they're getting all the info before they do anything 🤞 thanks very much for your help.
Are you not on any medication for your varices? I had some grsde 1_2 varices ifldentified last year having had only grade 1s in 2023. None were banded but my hepatologist put me on Carvedilol and said I don't need further gastroscopy . He said the grading process is a bit subjective and has no concerns.
Hi thanks for replying I'm not on any medication but I've had an ultrasound scan today so maybe they are waiting to see all results before deciding what to do - fingers crossed!
Have you seen a hepatology consultant ? I would push for (or at least get a consultant's advice on) the beta blocker medication ASAP as it could reduce the varices and avoid the need for any banding - good luck
Hiya thanks for your reply- I haven't seen a consultant so I'll see if they get in touch now I've had the ultrasound and will try to get in touch with my GP to see what's happening if I don't hear - thanks again
If it helps I've had about 20 varices banded in the past and got the all clear a couple of days ago for no more gastroscopies. It's taken a couple of years though to settle down...
I would imagine they'll still do a routine one every now and again for monitoring. My hubby even after his 42 banded varices and complete eradication (and indeed reversal of portal hypertension due to splenic infarction) still had to go for an annual screening endoscopy right up to a few months before his transplant assessment.
At my hospital there are only two doctors trained to do banding, so if you don't get one of them you will need another gastroscopy to band. I have had over 70 banded in 3 years. I have now gone though from every 6 weeks to a year for gastroscopies. Take as much sedation as they will give you and you won't know what's going on. If you are worried about the variciles, ring the gastro team and ask them what the plan is. They can sort out another gastroscopy with someone who can band pretty quickly. Good luck. X
Hi, I had loads of varicies banded over the course of several years, at my local hospital there was only 3 doctors that could do banding so I always had to have one of them, I turned up once and they had made a mistake when booking and none of the 3 were available, they said oh we will have a look and you'll have to come in again to have them banded, I refused and went back another day. So it's possible whoever did the gastoscopy couldn't do banding. Hopefully you will be contacted again soon for a follow up.