Anyone on here get covid? What was it like? After doing so well through this I finally have been exposed and of course due to work. My poor co worker was out in pregnancy sickness and came back with covid but could not tell if she was sick or just pregnant. I worked with her on Saturday 12/19 and she tested positive 12/20. After working with her on Saturday and doing my very best to clean and sanitize the whole day I woke up with a headache and mild congestion. Headache never cleared and congestion went away with the day. As soon as we found out about her test we closed the store and I got a rapid test thinking maybe my headache means I’m symptomatic and would be able to show but it was negative. I have constipation regularly from stomach problems and take linzess which gives me diarrhea and sometimes gassy stomach. Along with my headache Monday my stomach has been gurgling and bubbling non stop with some body aches that left after I took a small amount of ibuprofen. The bubbling stomach doesn’t hurt but leaves me feeling like I could vomit at anytime even though I haven’t yet and I do still have an appetite. Has anyone started like this with their covid symptoms and how did it progress? I was so look g forward to Christmas for a small amount of comfort a d normality but now I’m terrified covid will hit me hard and I’m all alone through this as I sent my boyfriend away in hopes he won’t get sick from me.
Covid and liver : Anyone on here get... - British Liver Trust
Covid and liver

Hi Amethyst. Initial symptoms of covid are a high temperature and a persistent dry cough. Hope you're ok
Talk to 111 about this, it’s a good starting point. If you actually have liver problems, then you should avoid ibuprofen and take paracetamol.
At your age, if it was Covid, you will have every chance for a full recovery.
Hopefully you will feel better soon and be able to enjoy your Christmas.
I always thought Tylenol was the bad one for liver, not that I think ibuprofen is much better.
Tylenol is paracetamol and it is OK to take, obviously following the correct dosages. Ibuprofen is an absolute no go for a struggling liver. The doctors are very clear with me, pre and post transplant.
Sorry TT you have that backwards. Ibuprofen is not cleared through the liver Acetaminophen is. My friend died at age 30 from liver failure due to Acetaminophen overuse.
Look it up first then you’ll see what I mean, then call your doctor to make sure...maybe your remembering what they said backwards.
You clearly have no knowledge or experience of liver disease. I have paracetamol on prescription from my doctors who access my medical records.
TT isn't remembering incorrectly at all, in the UK paracetemol at standard dosage or lower for liver patients is the advised medication and Ibuprofen is a no no due to it's blood thinning properties and it's erosive effect on gastrointestinal tract.
Hi,Just wanted to let you know that even here in the US liver doctors recommend taking Tylenol over any other over the counter pain relievers, but at regular strength only and never go over recommended dose.
Too much paracetemol is indeed dangerous to the liver in the form of over dose. However, normal proper dosage use or use for a liver patient at a reduced level is usually ok (though always best to check with your own doctor). My hubby (with cirrhosis) was prescribed paracetemol by his liver hospital & he is advised to take only this for pain after variceal banding, headaches and the like.
Ibuprofen is one of the Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories that patients with liver disease are strongly advised against. One of the problems with Ibuprofen, is it has a blood thinning effect and together with liver disease especially when platelets and blood clotting are already affected it can cause catastrophic and difficult to stop bleeding.
Always best to get advice from you own medical team who know you and the degree of any liver damage.
You clearly have more knowledge than my transplant team at the Royal Free.
If you exceed the recommended dose of paracetamol, like most other medications, then the consequences can be very serious. However, Ibuprofen is definitely not to be taken in my case or many others here. I had end stage decompensated cirrhosis prior to receiving a transplant.
Hi there👋,
My doctor told me that there is a 40 percent chance of getting a false negative with a covid-19 swab test if you're tested too early after exposure to the virus. Something to do with viral load.
Edited to add: My doctor is from UNC-Chapel Hill, co-developers of one of the vaccines (Moderna).
Initial cold symptoms may present, including headache, congestion, sore throat and loss of taste/smell. Unless you also have low oxygen levels (below 80 on pulse oximeter) and/or difficulty breathing, these symptoms can usually be managed at home.
Nausea may also be common, I don't know. My brother in law felt like he had been run over by a truck! ☹️ But it sounds as though you are doing all the right things, isolating, disinfecting and treating symptoms with otc pain meds.
If you experience chest pain or pressure, call your doctor and/or go to the emergency room for treatment right away. If you're managing all right, you should be feeling much better by the weekend. I hope you are well!
Thank you. I’m in day 3 and still have a mild headache with no other issues right now besides my left eye hurts when I look around but I had a sty in the inside eyelid so if if that’s why. I’ve gotten a rapid nasal swab on Sunday 12/20 negative, regular nasal swab test Monday 12/21 negative, rapid blood and antibody test test today 12/22 negative. Going for another regular nasal swab tomorrow and another rapid test Thursday. My other co worker got an inconclusive nasal swab on Sunday and rested today and waiting for results. Does anyone know about inconclusive tests?
I was tested positive for COVID and the number one symptom I had was a mild headache which progressed into a persistent headache that lasted a week. I didn’t have a cough and I had a very slight fever. I had very slight breathing difficulties (nothing major ) and a slight sore throat. For me the headache was the main symptom.
This is a difficult one to answer as I really wasn’t aware that I had COVID. I was admitted to hospital for an emergency op to have my appendix removed. The 5 days previous I had a headache then once in hospital I had the test. I would say I had the symptoms for roughly about a week then once tested I got the results 5 days later so a rough estimate would be 10 days.
Oh wow. I hope you doing and feeling much better after all that. I’m a little worried as o have hashimotos and an enlarged fatty liver . Not enough to really bother me but not sure how it will go with covid. I kinda thought since headaches are a big sign and I don’t usually suffer from them that I would be symptomatic enough to show but I guess not yet. We’re your headaches bad ? My Sunday one was pretty annoying but I didn’t feel the need to take anything. Monday was kind of bad in the front and sides of my head to where I felt a bit off walking in my apartment and driving to my test so I took some meds. Last night it came back behind the ears and this morning it was still behind my ears and in the back of my head. After I ate it subsided but mildly came back a bit ago at top middle and front of head. Still though not enough for any meds right now.
Yes I am so much better now thank you. The headache I had did prompt me to take painkillers so yes it was quite bad, it wouldn’t go on its own I thought it was stress. It sounds to me that you’re probably a bit stressed by it all which is giving you a headache. If it is COVID let’s hope it’s the mild form and you make a quick recovery .
As Mark says, please do get some medical advice and guidance either from your own doctors or NHS111
My few friends of mine that had it said one of the symptoms was Gastro-intestinal. Sorry your going through this, have a zoom meeting with friends on Christmas! We will be over this Covid crap soon, look to the future! You got this❤️