Hi all newbie here
Last week my doctor told me I had gallstones not going to remove anyway I don’t think she was going to mention the fatty liver until I said to her I’m worried as lady who done my scan said I had a fatty liver all she said was change eating habits I did have a blood test yesterday well I’m 46 and up until last week I hadn’t eaten 1 vegetable or any meat I’m trying to change my lifestyle in eating but I’m worried I’ve left it too late and if I’m even doing right as I eat loads of fruit but now I’m reading u shouldn’t my day would be
Breakfast 1 banana or rolled oats and fruit
Snack nuts
Lunch Greek style yoghurt with straws berries raspberries blackberries
Tea brown rice with chicken peppers onions garlic tinned tomatoes or omelette with onions and tomatoes
Snacks tangerines and an apple
I now drink 1 warm Lemon water 1 coffee in afternoon and a green tea at night with water in between the day
Please bear in my this is a massive step for me after eating pizza crisps cakes chips etc all my life can I really help my liver after all these years