29 yr old female 5’9 and 120lbs. Current medical conditions fatty/enlarged liver May 2020 and hashimotos thyroid after radioiodine treatment in August 2020.
Exposed December 19th at work. I work retail and the infected co worker just came back from a short leave definitely feeling and looking very sick. I also sanitized and cleaned very religiously as this was the last thing I wanted.
December 20. Wake up with headache and very mild body aches and kind of question if I’m getting sick. Find out that afternoon sick co worker is covid positive. Get rapid test just to see if I’ve already been sick since I have symptoms and it’s negative.
December 21. Still have headache and leg aches mildly congested but nothing major. Get PCR test negative. Take ibuprofen and headache/ body aches stop.
December 22. Notice my nose piercing is getting infected and the sty on my eye from the week before hurts a little more. Start treating nose infection. Get rapid antibodies test and it’s negative for both current and previous infections. Headache returns at night. Never ran a full fever but temp was around 98.8-99.0 for a few days.
December 23. Headaches again but not horrible. Mild chest pain in right area by arm and armpit. Tickle in back of throat with congestion but no cough still. Feel ok other than that. PCR test negative.
December 24. Feel pretty good. Mild congestion still have tickle still no cough. Mild chest/ back pain on left side. Rapid test negative.
December 25. Feel fine just get headache at night.
December 26. Wake up with flu like leg pains and feel a bit rundown. Mild congestion, tickle in throat, no cough, random throat pains but not a sore throat. Mild ear pains on and off with ear pressure.
December 27. Same but leg pains feel more like inflammed joins.
December 28. Same but get mild lightheaded feeling waiting in line for PCR test still negative.
December 29. Same leg pains , mild congestion, now headaches again. PCR test negative.
December 30. Still having leg pains and headaches with congestion and no coughing. Give up on covid testing as family and friends think I’m crazy for thinking I have covid.
December 31. Leg pains ate killing me and so are headaches. Sleep all day to avoid pains.
Jan 1. Legs are on fire and headaches so bad can’t go back to sleep after waking up but don’t want to move. Only burning hit heat pads provide relief. That night anytime I laid down my legs would get prickly and weird painful as if there’s no blood flow. This is awful and makes me get up and walk stretch 5 times before I can fall asleep.
Jan 2. End of 14 day quarantine and have had enough. Still not trying to bring up covid as dad yelled at me for not wanting to pick him up other day for fear of exposing him. Tells me I need therapy. Go to urgent care tell them my symptoms and the recent exposure. Dr does pretty thorough exam of legs and whole body chest and breathing and checks for any swelling. Says I’m in good shape but 100% suspects covid. Says I line up with a lot of mild cases and he’s seen many ppl test negative for two weeks with symptoms. Gives me another antibodies rapid test and it shows strong positive for antibodies indicating I’ve had this for at least a week or so. Other line for current infection is weak indicating I’m hopefully almost over it or only got a small viral load.
Developing chest pain in right area by arm and armpit again. Hurts with pressure and when I exhale. He didn’t say to get an X-ray but really regretting asking for one. Will probably call and ask for one tomorrow.
Moral of the story is believe your body when it’s telling you something is wrong. It can really take 14 days after exposure even with symptoms to test positive. A negative is not really a negative all the time. You can have covid without all the obvious symptoms. If you in anyway suspect you are sick or have covid call your HR and do not go to work. It is so much better to be safe than sorry. This virus is real and if you are not concerned about it does it mean others feel the same way. I’m terrified of this virus and what it can do to me. I know so many other are as well.
Update: yesterday Jan 3.I could not get out of bed. It was not fatigue but my headache was crushing and my legs felt like they were on fire again. I took two ibuprofen that day and it really did nothing. I had some congestion in my chest with some mild chest pains in the left and right sides that came and went.
Jan 4. Woke up feeling much better but still congested not coughing but hacking up some phlegm. Chest pains still mildly there and went to urgent care to get an X-ray because I do honestly get chest infections once a year around this time anyway and I wanted to get it before it was worse if it was there. They said the X-ray was good and gave me an inhaler just in case. I have been feeling so much better but still get some random head pains and mild sore throat. Did have weird episode in care where I got super light headed and a fast heartbeat for about 5 min. Felt pretty ok since then. Just back to my little quarantine until I see my dr Wednesday to decide if I can return to work or not.