I am just posting to let others know what a difference you can make to your liver health with lifestyle changes. November 2023 I was told I possibly had metastatic cancer and almost certainly cirrhosis. And i user to drink at least 50 units a week. After over 6 months tee total, and getting my bmi under 25, and healthy eating, I had a fibroscan that gave me a KPA of 5.3 (so no fibrosis or scarring) and a cap of 286 (so nearly In the severe fatty liver category). Fast forward to today and I had another fibroscan with the love your liver roadshow (thank you so so much British liver trust), and my kpa is down to 3.2 and my cap score is 156, so healthy and normal.
I turned my life and health around. It can be done, and it's always worth making changes.
Wish you all strength and health xxx