Hello, I am curious to know if anyone has experience of lowering tense (6-9ltr) ascites through diuretic and bringing it under control. And if yes, how long it took and which diuretic/dosage was used.
My father is currently on Torsemide 10MG once a day only and he has tense ascites (I guess about 7ltrs). The doctors had lowered dosage to 10MG from 20MG. It may be because his Kidney GFR is 30 (its been going on between 30 to 44, and was told diuretic will raise a creatinine bit - 2.21 in his last report). But that's how it has been since he was perscribed torsemide with his blood pressure medicine and was taken off from lasix 1 year back- he did not have water retention present at that time after first paracentesis in last february.
First they did not suggest paraecentesis and after lowering torsemide to 10mg his abdomen kept growing bit quicker. Finally, I asked them to take a look again as he kept on gaining weight. Now they are saying, its fine he can get paracentesis done.
Can anyone share their experience if they had severe ascites and diuretics helped it without the need of paracentesis with time/dosage it took.
Also, does milk instead of water is better? or it will be considered in fluid which have to be controlled? I was recommened by several physicians to prefer more milk over water. Thank you.