Dont know wether to laugh,cry or scream - British Liver Trust

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Dont know wether to laugh,cry or scream

lyn3 profile image
13 Replies

So most know about hubby and all thats been happening with him..But an update on hubbys symptoms.

Lower stomach pains, sleeping alot and by alot i mean he will be in bed nearly 3 days sleeping most of it, (apart from when i check on him and take him fresh water to make sure hes not dehydrated and even then he will fall asleep mid sentence.

He looks grey most of the time, when he is up he feels unwell most of the time.

He was admitted to the hospital( nov i think it was) by the dr where she said he had normal bowel movements and his liver was enlarged, they discharged him the same day saying its only constipation..A week later he had a camera down his throat and had a biopsy done on his stomach which revealed just inflamation.

So i rang the drs this morning to say how concerned i was about him sleeping all the time, he took me through a score sheet to check if hes got sleep apnia(how ever you spell it) ,, He said its all the meds hes on , i said hes been on all those meds for many many years why is it different now, his answer, i cant answer that because i dont know then..

I mentioned his stomach, he said his tests came back okish , not bad enough for us to be concerned, i said that was for his upper bowel , its his lower that is bad, he had no answer for that apart from could be stress.(hubbys not awake long enough to get stressed.).

I said he takes ages to go for a wee and when he does go it comes out in dribs and drabs , he spends ages going. He had no answer for that one.

So all in all , what is suggested is he has more blood tests done in a months time (because they put him on vitamin d and it takes a while to get into your system (so he says ).

I said to him that i was asked by the one dr in there back in nov what did i think was wrong with hubby and i said i think his liver is messed up and its affecting his organs, and he agreed, his reply was the bloods on his liver came back saying his liver was healthy and his scan results came back saying he had fatty liver (how can that be when hes been an alcoholic for over 30 years ,drinking every day as much as 12 pints and a lrt of vodka or whiskey a day). He said so you dont have to worry about his organs they are healthy.

I dont get it, three different drs, all say three different things about why hubby is like he is.

I just dont know what else to do other than just carry on taking care of hubby.

Sorry it was long and i hope you didnt mind me venting but its so frustrating..

Hope everyone is doing ok and have a good week if your able to .

Love always


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lyn3 profile image
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13 Replies
Bs1524 profile image

Hi Lyn I can’t offer you any advice but I am sure there are others here who can. I just wanted to say I understand your confusion and worry it is a lot on your shoulder and am sending you virtual hugs and to say I am thinking of you.

Take care of yourself xx

lyn3 profile image
lyn3 in reply to Bs1524

Thank you very much

AyrshireK profile image

Has hubby had a PSA test and/or finger up the bottom to check out his prostate? The spending ages going to wee and irregular flow can be a sign of issues with the prostate - it might also account for lower abdominal pain issues. (My dad has an enlarged prostate and the very flow issues you describe, he recently had a flow test and camera up into his bladder to check matters there and he's on various tablets for it).


lyn3 profile image
lyn3 in reply to AyrshireK

Morning Katie. No he hasnt had that done, the dr this morning didnt seem interested in doing any tests other than the bloods in a months time. I thought it sounded like his prostate but drs arent interested in what i think. I had hardly any sleep last night because i knew i had to be awake before 8 am because thats when you have to ring up, no good ringing at quarter to 9 because all appointments have gone by then, and even ringing at 8 am wont get you an appointment, its all mental. I dont get how someone can sleep for days on end.(waking to go to the bathroom and going straight to sleep when they get into bed, not able to go to the bathroom properly, looking grey most of the time, generally feeling of unwell, pains in the stomach, feeling hungry and yet when it comes to food taking an hour to eat a sandwich, having the runs alot and it sometimes being pale in colour and the drs say he is healthy and just needs vitamin d tablets..I dont get it , i feel like im living on a different planet as far as hubbys health is concerned.He was in bed all day and night sat,all day sunday till 8pm ish and in bed all day monday (yesterday) and still there now and its tues 11,20 am and hes fast asleep, i have asked him if hes taken any meds to help him sleep and he said no only what hes prescribed....Thanx for taking the time to reply.. hope your can be,.,.

Laura009 profile image

Yep agree with Katie. Prostate needs checking out.

lyn3 profile image
lyn3 in reply to Laura009

ty laura

cammeag profile image

Hi Lynn.

Sometimes it would be good to just have the money and go private but unfortunately most of us cannot do that.

Your husband and yourself truly are a desperate situation. Once again you have highlighted just how lazy and uncaring so many of our GPs are today. You need a home visit. Not just a blood test but a doctor to confirm your husband wellbeing or not as the case may be.

If they refuse you a home visit, tell them you are reporting the doctor to the GMC and that you are starting the complaints procedure as soon as you hang up the telephone.

I hope your husband recovers soon and you get back to some semblance of normality.

Take care

Partner20 profile image

Hi Lyn, so sorry to see your hubby us still so unwell, with no apparent reason for his current condition. It is a great shame that no GP is willing to come out for a home visit, as it seems to me that actually seeing your hubby face-to-face might impress on them how poorly he is. You should tell them how stressed you are, and how hard you are finding it to cope with everything. Often this will act as a warning sign for them, and encourage them to get you some support. It must be so hard day after day with no sign of improvement or any light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong and stay safe, but do get help for yourself if possible, too. Best wishes. Heather.

lyn3 profile image

Ty Camm and Heather,, Its very hard to deal and cope with seeing him go down hill and no help from professionals..I have written to them before and said if anything happens to hubby and it turns out that he had a serious ill ness and thats what killed him and he could have survived with help, i will be sueing. And thats when the dr rang me the next day and had him admitted, to be told all hes got is a fatty liver, they done a torso scan , not a liver scan and discharged him within a few hours..

Anyway i wrote a letter to the drs yesterday sharing how its affecting me mentally and physically watching him deterorate over the last year or so and with no help from them, said how the dr had said hubby was healthy, and listed everything wrong with him and said tell me how can he be healthy with all this going on. Wrote alot more and took it to the surgery and handed it over to them...He finally got up this morning after spending 3 days in bed and he looks aweful, hes looking so thin, hes lasted half an hour and then hes gone back to bed.

Thank you all for your love and support, your all gems.. Ill keep you updated if i hear from the drs and how hubby is doing. Really apprciate your support and love..

Hope everyone is ok,

Love and hugs for those going through it.


Partner20 profile image
Partner20 in reply to lyn3

Hi Lyn, so glad that you have given written notification of not only your hubby's deteriorating health, but the way in which it is affecting you, too. It is easy to advise others to do this, but much harder to do it ourselves! So, well done, you.🙂 It certainly seems to me that the GPs at your practice are uncaring, at best, if not actually negligent. What a battle to have to keep constantly fighting. We are kind of opposite in the liver department. Your hubby has myriad symptoms and is in a poor state of health. Mine feels fine, but every test says otherwise! He has just had another raft of liver testing for his new consultant, including bloods, another gastroscopy and a repeat MRI . Waiting for the reports on those now. He has other things going on too, which don't help, unfortunately. I do hope that your latest letter will wake your GPs up. Good luck! Heather.

deanw41 profile image

Sorry to hear all this,with my liver disease Ibhsve found different doctors say different things,.scans are different,ct different from ultra sound,depends who reads the scans, I keep notes of everything,research everything,ask loads of questions,they missed my gall stones for 13 years!!!! You have to keep pushing and pushing and push even more until you get answers!! My liver consultant didn’t see a scan my doctor ordered because he didn’t order it,i had to phone up and tell him about it...the list is endless,i wish you well and good luck!!!!!

vulnerable profile image

Sorry your chasing your tail there! Very frustrating and worrying for you and your husband. In my thoughts and prayers. Take care and be kind to yourself in all if this...🌹❤️🙏💝😇


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