Waiting call from GP : Dear friends... - British Liver Trust

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Waiting call from GP

46 Replies

Dear friends

Well I’ve done it! As most of you know I’ve mentioned not feeling 100 per cent since the flare up at the end of January when my temperature shot up to between 103 and 105 over 4 days. Ever since then I’ve had a weird throat and the odd feeling when taking a deep breath when waking up. Hot spells every day but with no high temperature until yesterday when it shot up twice to 101 and 101.5. Over the past few months I’ve also developed a bit of a huskily voice with a weird on and off cough with aching joints too.

Because of the raise temp I’ve decided that its time I spoke with my GP about the above plus my forecasted blood tests were over due and did he want me to take them at the end of May as I wasn't sure whether any of this is connected to my unknown autoimmune disease.

Even Lynne has commented numerous times about my new husky voice along with my hubby 😂

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46 Replies

Wow! GP just called ... I’m meeting a Covid team at 2pm at my surgery and I’m to have a full check over and blood tests.

I do not think its Covid so fingers crossed.

mattymoo33 profile image

Good luck honey. Please let us know how you get on. At least you should know either way. 🤞xx🥰

in reply tomattymoo33

Thanks Matty, I never thought it would come to this as I told my doc that I'm sure it's not Covid related as I've had it for months, however he said they can do my bloods which are normally always done at the hospital as they've set up a full clinic there now! I said I look healthy enough and mentioned I'd been cycling and that I'd also done the sky dive which he was totally over the moon about as he'd been following me!

Oh well catch up later xxx

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I really hope you get some answers this afternoon. Take care and stay safe. Loads of love and hugs Lynne xxxx 😘❣️🤗

in reply to

Hi Lynne/All

Visit to surgery went well, I was diagnosed with an infection in my left lung and was prescribed a weeks supply of 500mg three times a day Amoxicillin!

Whoopiii as suspected no Covid, however have to go back in 3 to 5 days time if temperatures still flaring up! Phew ......😉👍

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Thank goodness, no covid-19. Hope these tablets do the trick. I'm glad they are keeping an eye on you. Take care and stay safe. Love you loads Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗

in reply to

Well lets keep my fingers crossed Lynne that the penicillin does its job! I thought the pain was caused by my left kidney cysts having a wobble again so it just goes to show! I wonder if the infection would have progress if I'd not gone ! 🤔🤔🤔

Anyway Lynne thank again for being a lovely friend xxxx

in reply to

Aww, bless you, thank you. Please promise me that you will go back to see your GP if infection doesn't clear!! Take care and stay safe.

Night night sweet dreams 💤 xxxx ❤️🤗

in reply to

I will Lynne x

in reply to

Good. I'm coming at you from all angles 😁❤️❤️xxxx

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Bs1524 profile image
Bs1524 in reply to

Brilliant, no Covid 19 but still take care x

in reply toBs1524

Cheers for message! On the good news front my GP practice are now carrying out routine blood tests so I can now book appointment to get my way over due LFT’s done next week. x

Bs1524 profile image
Bs1524 in reply to

That’s great shame you had to wait x

in reply toBs1524

I guess so but at least there being done next Tuesday at 2.30 🙂👍

Bs1524 profile image
Bs1524 in reply to

👍 xxx

Ticktoc profile image
Ticktoc in reply to

Oh good I actually just got a call back from my gp waited 3 weeks when I had petechiae rash appear still wants to put my ultrasound and blood tests on hold as rash virtually gone and said if it comes back she will send someone out to do blood tests after saying she didn't think it was meds she now thinks it could be Apixiban or amlodipine or Bisoprolol as I never had this prior to a fib but I took amlodipine for 2 yrs prior to a fib for bp said she will still send me to see liver consultant sept although it could be the meds causing raised liver enzymes and autoimmune change so I m no further forward cos she said I'm high risk with that n my copd 🙁

in reply toTicktoc

Hi Ticktoc

I'm sure I'm losing it or my earlier reply seems to have disappeared into cyberspace! 👎

Glad to read your GP has finally called you back, however your not really any the wiser I guess which is a frustrating feeling to be in.

I bet your pleased that your rash has faded which is a good thing!

On the ultrasound and bloods delay, do you think this is down to Covid?


Ticktoc profile image
Ticktoc in reply to

Yes she said I was to high risk with copd low immune and a fib hope you feel better soon weird thing is I've only had 1 minor chest inf since I've been on beta blocker but I'm usually worse in winter so just have to hope this covid reduces and risk lessened 👍

in reply toTicktoc

I’ll keep my fingers crossed that things go in the right direction for you soon!

Take care and sweet dreams x

Gjkas profile image

Good job that you went to the GP when you did. You probably would have ended up with more than a Lung infection.

Then you would have ended up in hospital, especially with a temperature as high as that.

Hope the Amoxicillin works for you.

They are a good Antibiotic, but I can't take them because im allergic to Penicillin.

Good Luck Trish, hope you'll be feeling better soon. Don't forget to let us all know how you're doing.

Love & Hugs to a Lovely Lass.❤ Glo.xxxx

in reply toGjkas

Hi Glo

Your another concerning angel and thank you for your message ! I must agree I was a little shocked to hear I've got a lung infection which has caused the husky weird throat or cough which I've never had!

Your correct I could have possibly ended up at the hospital but at least I knew my own body and did eventually listen!

How's you ?

Love Trish 🥰

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Hi Trish, Im still the same,well sort of.

I had a fall in the greenhouse today and banged my hip. It's been b....y killing me all evening. If it's not one thing it's another. If it's the same tomorrow ill have to go to the Hospital. I'm hoping that I just stained it. I've got Osteoporosis and I've been told to be careful about any falls or knocks.

Anyway, you make sure that you take the full course of the Antibiotics.

You're on a High dose of the Amoxicillin so your G.P must be a bit concerned over you.I know you said that you had a Lung infection. Did they do a chest XRAY for you. You haven't been 100% for a while now. I'll keep my fingers crossed 🤞 that those Antibiotics does the job for you.

But if you still feel grotty after

you've finished the course of Antibiotics, go back to your G.P and get a chest XRAY done, even if you don't have a temperature.

Im so,so,so glad that you haven't got the dreaded Covid -19. But your Doctor needs to keep an eye 👁 on you. All the Best Trish. ❤ 💛💚

Goodnight Godbless.

Love & ((((((Hugs)))))).Glo 😚. xxxxx.


in reply toGjkas

Oh dear Glo

A blummin fall now...do hope you've not broken or chipped any bones so promise me you will speak with someone if your hip pain gets worse.

As you can imagine Lynne's on my case keeping a close eye on me like a mother hen 🐓 lol I must say I do feel slightly better this morning after only taking 3 antibiotics so far and waking up this morning was a delight plus my husky voice is fading a little!,

I had a fall off my bike almost 7 or 8weeks ago and still cannot turn my knee sideways to lye on the sofa but hey ho!

Oh well please keep.me updated and I'll do the same .

Love to you and john

Trish 😘❣

mattymoo33 profile image

So pleased Trish. Although not great news, at least you know and have treatment. Now REST!! If we're ever to do white water rafting, I need you well lady.🚣 xx

Gjkas profile image

Hey Trish,

I forgot to tell you when I messaged you. Your Husky voice is okay ( Sounds Sexy ).

It's all the rest of it that that has to be sorted out🤔. Take Care and Stay Safe.

Nighty Night. Love & ((((Hugs)))).Glo.xxxx

in reply toGjkas

Sexy husky voice is still with me 🤣

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

The Sexy, Husky voice can stay with you. But the rest of it needs to be sorted out. I'm glad that Lynne is on your case like a Mother Hen 🐔because I think that you're one lovely , but stubborn chick 🐤.

Hope you're feeling a lot better today,

But don't forget to go back to your G.P if you still feel like s...e 💩 when you finish your Antibiotics .

Got a whopping bruise on my hip,it's still quite painful ,but not as bad as yesterday. So I haven't broken it or anything like that, or the pain would of been worse today. So that's okay.

My legs keep giving out on me Trish.

And I get so giddy all the time.

GP reckons that it's to do with the Fibromyalgia. Its a Nightmare.🥶🧟‍♂️

I'll have to leave my Zimmer in the greenhouse. 😁🤣😂😃😅.

I'd probably fall over that.🤣😂

Nighty Night and you Take Care.

Love from Glo and John xx

in reply toGjkas

Jesus Glo, you and Lynne are a right pair for falling over and now both my mother hens 🐓🐔🐓🐔.

Stubborn me! really! Yep I guess your right in away but a loveable stubbornness I guess which I'm putting down to fending for myself for around 10 years!

Anyway, you must take care of yourself as it wasn't that long ago when you gave us all a huge scare thinking you had Covid, so you behave too .

Do you have any witch hazel for your bruising ? If not pkacecsome frozen peas on it or ice packs.

Chick signing off 🐤 Nighty nite

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Hi Chick 🐤, I've been using a wheat bag from out of the freezer to put on my bruises. It does help a bit.

Yep your'e stubborn,but i can't say much about that. Because John is always telling me that I'm as stubborn as a mule .

If any of our Boys tell me that I should do something and I don't do it. They always say ,

"Oh Gloria knows best, stubborn as usual ". Cheeky Sod's..

Anyway Trish you look after yourself. Or Lynne and myself will be on your case. Nighty Night you Lovable Chick 🐤.Love from Glo and John xx

in reply toGjkas

Oh my, just realised that call was made months ago !


Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

I know it was, and your voice was Husky then. So you've had it for quite a while. 👍😘

in reply toGjkas

Maybe it's the new me however years ago someone else said the same thing which I never realised 🤣🤣


Just baked a delicious strawberry and blueberry pavlova which I would have shared with you and Lynne to make you feel better! Photo on my FB page ....

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

OOOOOÒH. Pavlova.

A nice slice 🍰 🍰 for me and Lynne.

Cheers Trish.🍷🍷🍷🍾 .

Oh, Oh , you're gonna have to make another one. It was so Yummy that we ate the lot.😂🤣😃😄😅🥰.

Love & (((((( Hugs)))))).Glo.xxxx

in reply toGjkas

Some on FB want to purchase one and some have already suggested I bake and sell for a charity!!! BLT maybe as I love cooking as its away of raising more money for a good cause 😅

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Aww Trish , i used to love cooking.

I'd make anything. I enjoyed making things and also enjoyed eating them.

I used to make Wedding Cakes.

But now I've got a job to make a cup of tea. Never mind. Gotta keep smiling.

The suggestion of you baking and selling for Charity, is a good one.

But even though you love cooking, it's still hard work.

So don't take too much on, especially now, because you're still not 100%.

Get yourself stronger and then think about it. Because if you start doing too much at the moment,you'll sink like a brick. Take Care. ♥️ Glo xxxxxx

in reply toGjkas

Yes mother hen ! I'm listening ! X

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Good ,my Little Chick 🐣 XX.

kyia profile image

So glad you've had a diagnosis and I hope the antibiotics do the trick and you're feeling better soon xx

in reply tokyia

Hi Kyria

Thank you so much for your message, I must say my breathing is much better thanks to my favorite Amoxcillin friend! 🙂👍.

However I'm not one for being poorly or one who keeps running to the docs, my family were shocked I wasn't well! I hide things so well 🤣

Take care xxx

G Whizz .... I've now been on the Amoxicillin tablets since Monday afternoon and yesterday I thought I was improving, then today I woke up at 5am with my weird throat again and my breathing wasnt brill and feeling so tired it was unbelievable and fell back sleep for 4 hours.

This morning I decided to keep myself busy cutting the lawns as I wasnt going to let this beat me!

For the past 15 minutes I've been sitting in the shade until all of a sudden I felt extremly hot so went inside to take my temp as I felt a little weird too, my temps 38.3 which is 101 again. I'm guessing whatevers going on the antibiotics haven't kicked its ass yet.

If the same tomorrow will call.my doc !

Oh goodness! My doctor has just confined me to home as my temperature has flared up to 38 .5 and is sticking which should not be the case considering I’m on Amoxicillin 500 mg for my lung infection.

Doctor now thinks I may have two viruses going on at the same time so more antibiotics have been prescribed . 500mg Clarithromycin so I’m going to be shake rattle and rolling 🤣🤣🤣.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

Did they do a covid-19 test? Just in case. Even if you haven't been going out it is still possible to get it from parcels, shopping packaging etc.

Hi Katie

Unfortunately no on the Covid test, however my GP has now suggested I go and apply for one which I'll do tomorrow if my breathing first thing in the morning is the same and my temp is still raised as its a 100 mile round trip!

Many thanks for your message in the meantime


Hi Everyone

Just a wee note to say my left lung infection is not Covid19! Just received text message confirming NEGATIVE 😊

I'm still taking the 500 mg of Amoxicillin and 500mg of Clarithromycin antibiotics which are working lovely because todays my first day in ages I'm feeling more like my old self!

Thank you all who sent me lovely messages!

Love you ! Trish xxx

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