6 months ago a 30 yo guy i know died from End stage LD. The next day I started feeling a weird dull pain under my left rib. So i webmd and it started saying enlarged spleen. Then i find out liver damage can cause enlarged spleen so i become obsessed with me having liver issues.
Ive been a heavy drinker off and on since 18yrs old. Im a 30 male. Never drank liquor, and never drank daily for the most part. I can however, put away a 12 pack of coors. Fast forward to now. The past few weeks I’ve noticed a very dull pain under and around my left rib/upper right abdomen area. It comes and goes and usually lasts for an hour or so. I dont have jaundice that i know of, nor any other symptoms of anything. My diet is horrible and when i drink, I usually get fairly drunk. I have a doctors appointment early February so ill find out whats up then. In the meantime, anybody have any ideas? Gallbladder issues or liver issues?