Hi friends
I get so much sound advice from this group and your help is invaluable. As I have already posted I was diagnosed with Cirhossis following a routine blood test and a fibroscan (17kpa)as the results of the blood test showed many abnormalities. I am on 6 monthly reviews with the consultant, blood tests and ultrasound scan. The ultra sound scans appear to show no portal hypertension/variaces which is good. I have been on the waiting list for an Endoscopy for 9 months, when I spoke to the consultant in September he thought I’d had it done, obviously he hasn’t got results, but was surprised it hadn’t been done.but all I get is a text asking if I still want it. I’ve asked my Gp if I can be referred to a dietitian as the cirhossis has been put down to NAFLD, but he has refused because I have a normal BMI. Just had more bloods as I have several symptoms. I am aware that they are abnormal LFT, GGT and Serum total protein level. I do not have enough knowledge do know what the results mean. The results are similar each time. The Dr is ringing me on Thursday about the results but I’m not sure what to ask as I still feel that I am in limbo. I ask each time if I definitely have Cirrhosis. The answer is, yes you have, the blood test results together with Fibroscan make the diagnosis. I just want to know what I should be doing to help myself, by the way I have never drank alcohol. I still can’t believe it’s totally out of the blue. What can I ask the Dr when he rings on Thursday?