Dear Friends
About 10 days ago I had a weird 4 days! It started with feeling quite poorly which came on from totally out of the blue at around 5 30pm ending up with me going to bed! The following 3 days I had no cold, cough or sickness of any kind but an ongoing temperature of between 38.5 and 38.6. On the 5th day my temperature went back to normal again which was an unexplained weird episode as it was like nothing I'd had before.
Then three days ago my old symptoms of feeling extremely cold, I mean cold came back, plus the itchy skin, extreme tiredness, a very dry throat along with the return of tinnitus!
Then today I decided to play a game of chess with hubby after being to the gym ....and guess what ...the heating was on full blast and there was I fully dressed with a thick blanket wrapped around my shoulders whilst playing two games of chess! The coldness continued until around midnight. Would you think this is normal?
I'm now debating on whether to use one of my 4 blood test forms supplied by my consultant or wait to see if the symptoms progress further ......Emmmm
I must say this unknown autoimmune disease is driving me nuts with these blummin weird flare ups! I've now re started to log every symptom for discussion with my GP or I may notify my consultant via email if they persist!
Apologises for sharing this latest up date with you but I'm feeling a bit .....grrrr about it all especially as my sleeping pattern has altered to being awake through the night again ....
Shropshire Lass