When you have itching caused by cirrhosis is it only in one area at a time and does it come and go?
Itching: When you have itching caused by... - British Liver Trust

Hi GrandmaDylan. I used to get that itching before my transplant. sometimes I would not be bothered by it for days/weeks and other times I would have the itching on and off for days. It was usually intense itching on my back or my feet and ankles and sometimes both at the same time. Alfred.
I used to start feeling itchy in one place start scratching and it would move to another place.... I tried hardest not to scratch as I knew I would be ripping myself to pieces or be in a cold shower to cool my skin down ... It usually started on my ankles or feet
My itching can be anywhere but when it comes I certainly know it's there!!!, Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Hiya lovely xx
I used to get it in one big area .....from the top of my chesticles down to bottom of my belly X
Its horrendous!!
Then that went & PN arrived all over, which feels like spiders under my skin 😢 X
Take care lovely xx
Lisa 😀X
Usually my legs are worse, especially my calves, though recently it's been particularly bad in my erm, underpants area.
Mine would start in the afternoon as I wanted to sleep, then as soon as I got into bed till 3 in the morning, mainly my feet or any area that is moist but could move all over.
post transplant all gone thank god
I take alpha lipoic acid and milk thistle every day. I rarely ever have those awful itching episodes anymore!
My doctor referred to my latest results as "phenomenal!" He told me to keep doing what I'm doing- so you're right even my doctor technically did not advise me to do this. Please remember: doctors like repeat business. Not much money in prescribing vitamins and supplements... I was stage 4 with nothing to lose, but my couch/bed and the company of my cat. I am now able to work, go the gym and look forward to tomorrow. Whatever works for you!
i agree with you, if it works, go for it and yes docs want repeat business